Andes Creme De Menthe-Flavored Coffee Available On Amazon, So Get Ordering

Andes Creme De Menthe-Flavored Coffee Available On Amazon, So Get Ordering

If there are two things I love on this planet, it’s coffee and chocolate. If there are three things I love, I’ll also add dogs to that list, but that’s neither here nor there. The point is, I need my morning caffeine fix and my afternoon chocolate fix and if you’re anything like me, you’ll love that you can now do both in one by drinking Andes Creme de Menthe-flavored coffee.

  1. It tastes just like the little Andes mints. Andes mints are a totally underrated candy, in my opinion. You get that rich creaminess of chocolate but that sharp freshness with the mint in one bite and it’s just downright delicious. Putting that into coffee form doesn’t just make sense, I’m shocked it wasn’t done earlier.
  2. You get 40 K-Cups in a box. That means you have enough for your machine at home and to take into work for you to give you your Andes fix throughout the day. Plus, since they’re K-Cups, they’re travel-friendly, meaning you can literally take them anywhere (that you have access to a Keurig, of course).
  3. It’s 100% Arabica coffee, so you know you’re getting the good stuff. I don’t know, maybe you’re one of those strange people who actually like robusta, but I’m not. I like my coffee from arabica beans and that’s what you get here.
  4. The Andes Creme de Menthe pods are only out for a limited time. They’re apparently limited edition, so there’s no telling when they’ll make an exit. You might as well hurry up and order some now so that you don’t have to look back with regret if you don’t get to try it. Getting 40 cups of coffee for less than $20 is a total steal and will save you a ton of money since you won’t have to stop at Starbucks every morning. (It’s OK, we all do it.)

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