These Animal X-Rays Taken During Annual Checkups At The Oregon Zoo Are Amazing

Admittedly, I feel very conflicted about zoos. On the one hand, they offer a great opportunity for education and preservation of some endangered species; on the other hand, they’re exploitative and it feels wrong to keep wild animals imprisoned in habitats that are not their natural ones. However, I choose to focus on the good for the purpose of this article so we can appreciate the beauty of these animal x-rays taken during annual checkups at the Oregon Zoo.

  1. How cool are these?! While animals are generally incredible creatures, seeing these x-rays makes you appreciate just how awesome they really are and how unique and special too. Staff at the Oregon Zoo generously shared them with their Instagram and Twitter followers and we should feel lucky to see them.
  2. Nature is just a really awesome thing. I know it sounds corny and I felt this way even before I saw these animal x-rays, but they are a reminder of just how crazy the natural world can be. There are so many different species with so many special qualities. How can you not be awed by that?
  3. We need to take better care of our planet. One thing these make me think of is the importance of caring for the environment and the creatures who live on it, human and otherwise. Sure, the animals in these x-rays are in captivity and therefore in a controlled environment, but there are plenty that in the wild and their habitats are being destroyed on a daily basis. That’s a scary thing and we need to do better.
  4. I can’t pick a favorite, to be honest. All of these animal x-rays are so fun to look at for different reasons and I can’t pick which one is my favorite. If I had to pic, I guess I would go with the dwarf mongoose, but they’re all pretty awesome.

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