We’ve all been there—sitting in a meeting, giving a presentation, or just trying to do our jobs when suddenly a male colleague feels compelled to explain our own expertise back to us. Whether it’s the tech bro explaining coding to a female software architect or the guy at the gym explaining workout form to a personal trainer, mansplaining has become so common that certain phrases immediately set off our internal alarm bells. Here’s a collection of the most cringe-worthy phrases that signal you’re about to get an unwanted lesson in something you probably already mastered years ago.
1. “Well, Actually, How It Works Is…”
The classic opener that signals a man is about to explain something you already know. Delivered with a special kind of condescension, this phrase sets the stage for an oversimplified explanation. It’s particularly infuriating when the “well, actually” correction isn’t even accurate, making you question their confidence entirely. Often, this phrase is used to assert dominance in discussions where you’re clearly the expert. The underlying assumption for women is that competence is being questioned and they are being subjected to gender bias, according to an article in The Guardian.
What makes this phrase so exhausting is its consistency. No matter how senior or knowledgeable you are, the “well, actually” guy assumes he’s enlightening you. He’s oblivious to the fact that his explanation often derails productive discussions. While it might seem harmless, it erodes confidence and collaboration by centering his voice over others.
2. “Let Me Break This Down For You…”
This phrase often comes with a patronizing tone, as if you’re incapable of grasping complex ideas without help. It’s frequently accompanied by exaggerated hand gestures or slowed speech as if they’re explaining astrophysics to a toddler. What’s particularly ironic is how often the breakdown oversimplifies or outright misrepresents the concept. It’s especially galling when they’re explaining something directly related to your field of expertise, where you could run circles around their understanding. The cherry on top? When their explanation is completely unnecessary or incorrect.
These moments highlight how oblivious some people can be to their own biases. Instead of engaging in meaningful dialogue, they assume you need remedial help. This creates a dynamic where they take up space in conversations without adding value. Over time, these interactions can feel like a never-ending test of patience and restraint. It’s yet another way mansplaining reaffirms itself as a frustrating workplace phenomenon.
3. “I’m Not Sure You Can Grasp What I’m Saying…”
This phrase is a red flag that something sexist is coming. It’s often delivered with false humility, as if acknowledging sexism somehow makes it okay. The following statement usually involves sweeping generalizations about women’s interests or abilities. What’s most aggravating is how the speaker genuinely believes this disclaimer neutralizes any offense. It’s the conversational equivalent of throwing a match into a forest and saying, “No offense to the trees.” Women are infuriated by mansplaining as it is sexist and condescending and implies they have less knowledge of a subject, according to Psychology Today.
The ridiculousness of this phrase is matched only by the audacity of those who use it. It creates an immediate barrier in discussions, making it hard to engage without addressing the underlying prejudice. By framing their comment this way, they position themselves as brave truth-tellers rather than perpetrators of tired stereotypes. The result is a frustrating loop where you’re forced to choose between ignoring the comment or challenging it outright. Either way, the conversation rarely moves forward productively.
4. “Let Me Put This In Very Simple Terms For You…”
This phrase is often used to signal that the speaker thinks you need a dumbed-down explanation. It’s particularly irritating when the simplification reveals more about their limited understanding than your own. The ensuing explanation is often riddled with errors, making it less clear than the original concept. What’s worse is when this happens in your area of expertise, where their “simple terms” are laughably off the mark. It’s a masterclass in how not to communicate effectively.
Beyond the annoyance, this phrase underscores how little some people respect your intelligence. Instead of asking questions or seeking clarification, they assume you need help. This dynamic creates a lopsided conversation where their assumptions overshadow your actual knowledge. Over time, these interactions erode trust and collaboration, making it harder to have meaningful discussions. It’s yet another example of how condescension masquerades as helpfulness in professional spaces.
5. “The Best Advice For Appearing A Little More Professional At Work Is To..”

This phrase is the epitome of unsolicited, tone-policing advice. It’s often delivered as though it’s a helpful tip when it’s really a thinly veiled critique of your demeanor. The implication is that your professionalism isn’t enough—you also need to look cheerful while being an expert. It’s especially frustrating because it’s advice rarely, if ever, given to male colleagues. Somehow, your value in the workplace gets tied to how pleasant you look, regardless of your qualifications or contributions.
Hearing this during a presentation or meeting feels like a slap in the face, as it completely disregards your expertise. Instead of acknowledging your points, they zero in on your appearance or tone. What’s most ironic is that the speaker often believes they’re being supportive. Their obliviousness to the inherent sexism in the statement is both infuriating and exhausting. It’s a stark reminder of the double standards women face in professional spaces.
6. “You’d Understand It Better If You Look At It More Like This…”
This phrase suggests that any disagreement stems from your lack of understanding rather than a difference in perspective. It often comes with unsolicited advice on how to approach a topic you already know inside and out. The assumption is that you couldn’t possibly have reached your position without missing some fundamental piece of knowledge. It’s even worse when they “helpfully” suggest resources you’ve likely written or contributed to. This condescension is not only misplaced but also incredibly frustrating to navigate.
The underlying message is clear: their viewpoint is inherently superior to yours. It’s an invalidating tactic that puts the burden of proof on you, even when you’re the expert. Over time, this behavior creates a dynamic where your expertise is constantly questioned or undermined. It’s a subtle but effective way of maintaining control in conversations. The kicker? They’re often completely wrong in their assumptions.
7. “Let Me Play Devil’s Advocate For A Moment…”

This phrase is often used to justify saying something inflammatory under the guise of intellectual debate. It’s a go-to for people who want to challenge your lived experiences or well-documented facts without taking accountability. By claiming to “play devil’s advocate,” they position themselves as neutral thinkers rather than contrarians. It’s especially infuriating when they use this to dismiss valid concerns about workplace dynamics or societal issues. The implication is that your expertise or perspective needs to be tested, even when it’s rooted in reality.
What’s most aggravating is how they expect gratitude for their “thoughtful” opposition. Instead of engaging in constructive dialogue, they derail the conversation to center their hypothetical scenarios. This often leads to circular debates that achieve nothing except exhausting everyone involved. Their approach undermines the validity of your points while positioning themselves as the voice of reason. It’s a frustrating dynamic that prioritizes their need to argue over meaningful progress.
8. “No Offense, But Men Tend To Know More About This Topic…”
This phrase is a verbal red flag that something offensive is about to follow. It’s often used as a prelude to dismissing your accomplishments, opinions, or feelings. The speaker seems to think this disclaimer grants them immunity from accountability. What’s particularly maddening is how casually they deliver it, as though minimizing your expertise is just part of a normal conversation. The irony is that they’re usually deeply offended if you point out their mistake.
The phrase also serves as a tool to deflect criticism of their own behavior. By framing their comment as harmless, they put the onus on you to “not take it personally.” This creates a dynamic where they can say whatever they want while you’re left managing the emotional fallout. Over time, this behavior erodes trust and respect in professional relationships. It’s a frustrating reminder of how dismissive language can undermine meaningful dialogue.
9. “I Think What You’re Trying to Say Is…”
This phrase is the pinnacle of condescension, as it assumes you cannot articulate your thoughts. It’s often delivered mid-sentence, cutting you off to reinterpret your point less accurately. The speaker then proceeds to explain your idea to you as though it’s their original thought. It’s incredibly infuriating when they argue about what you meant. The sheer audacity is both baffling and enraging.
This behavior shifts the focus from your expertise to their misinterpretation, derailing productive conversations. It’s a subtle but effective way of undermining your authority while centering themselves. Over time, these interactions create a toxic dynamic where your voice is consistently overshadowed. The frustration comes not just from being interrupted but from the erasure of your contributions. It’s a clear example of how mansplaining can manifest in seemingly small but impactful ways.
10. “Let Me Start By Giving You Some Honest Feedback…”
This phrase often introduces unsolicited criticism disguised as helpful advice. It’s usually delivered by someone with little to no experience in your field, making their suggestions unhelpful and irritating. The kicker? They genuinely believe they’re being supportive, even when their feedback undermines your expertise. How defensive they get if you don’t respond with glowing appreciation is particularly infuriating.
These moments highlight the disconnect between their intentions and the actual impact of their words. Instead of fostering collaboration, their feedback feels more like a power play. It creates an environment where your expertise is constantly second-guessed. Over time, this dynamic can erode confidence and trust in professional relationships. It’s another reminder of how well-intentioned advice can miss the mark entirely.
11. “You Have To Look At It Less Emotionally And More Logically…”
The go-to phrase for dismissing valid concerns or passionate expertise as mere feminine hysteria. This classic gaslighting tactic suggests that your professional opinion is less valid because you care about the topic. It’s particularly rich when used during discussions where a male colleague gets visibly upset. The phrase manages to dismiss your expertise and reinforce outdated gender stereotypes simultaneously.
12. “What Many Women Don’t Realize Is…”
This phrase is a classic example of dismissing valid concerns as emotional overreactions. It’s often used to undermine women’s opinions or expertise by framing their passion as irrational. What’s most hypocritical is how it’s rarely applied to men, even when they’re visibly upset. This tactic shifts the focus from the issue at hand to your supposed inability to remain “objective.” It’s a frustrating way to invalidate your perspective while reinforcing outdated stereotypes.
The phrase also creates an environment where women feel pressured to downplay their emotions to be taken seriously. This double standard stifles meaningful dialogue and reinforces power imbalances. Over time, it fosters a culture where women’s voices are marginalized in professional spaces. The irony is that the speaker often comes across as more emotional than the person they’re criticizing. It’s a textbook example of how language can perpetuate gender bias.
13. “I Don’t Mean to Interrupt, But…”

This phrase assumes you’ve somehow reached your position without understanding basic concepts in your field. It’s often followed by an explanation that reveals their lack of knowledge. The underlying assumption is that your perspective must be flawed because it doesn’t align with theirs. What’s particularly infuriating is how they deliver it with unwarranted confidence. The sheer audacity is almost impressive—almost.
These interactions often leave you questioning how someone so misinformed can be so self-assured. It’s a stark reminder of how deeply ingrained some biases are in professional spaces. Instead of fostering collaboration, this phrase creates unnecessary tension. Over time, it becomes a barrier to meaningful progress and mutual respect. It’s yet another way mansplaining undermines women’s contributions in the workplace.
14. “Let Me Tell You How This Works…”
This phrase is often used to explain concepts you already know, usually getting key details wrong in the process. It’s especially absurd when they try to explain processes you’ve helped design or systems you’ve mastered. The assumption is that your expertise is somehow incomplete without their input. What’s most infuriating is how confidently they deliver their misinformation. The audacity is both laughable and exhausting.
These interactions highlight how little respect some people have for women’s expertise. Instead of engaging in meaningful dialogue, they prioritize their need to assert dominance. This creates a dynamic where your voice is consistently overshadowed. Over time, it fosters a culture of condescension and exclusion. It’s a frustrating reminder of how deeply ingrained some biases are in professional spaces.
15. “I’m Just Trying to Help By Explaining That…”
This phrase often serves as a defensive response when their condescension is called out. It attempts to frame their unhelpful explanations as acts of generosity. What’s particularly maddening is how they expect gratitude for their unsolicited input. The underlying message is clear: your frustration is unwarranted, and you should be grateful for their “help.” It’s a textbook example of how gaslighting can manifest in professional interactions.
These moments highlight the disconnect between their intentions and the actual impact of their behavior. Instead of fostering collaboration, they create unnecessary tension and frustration. This behavior erodes trust and respect, making it harder to build meaningful relationships. Over time, it becomes a barrier to progress and mutual understanding. It’s a frustrating reminder of how well-intentioned behavior can perpetuate harmful dynamics.