Having boobs is one of the best things about being a girl. Boobs are awesome. With that being said, I wish sometimes that mine were just a tad bit smaller. Mostly I’ve learned to accept what I was given since there’s nothing I can do about it, but the struggle is seriously real. Everyone has their own body acceptance issues, but big boobs come with their own unique set of struggles that no one under a D cup will ever understand.
- The love-hate relationship with button downs. Fitted button downs are not a look I can pull off. I have to buy a size up so I don’t get the gaping button thing. So my button down choices are usually too baggy or too sexy because I have to leave a few buttons undone.
- Guys who say they like girls with small boobs. Not that they aren’t allowed to have a preference, but do they have to say it like that? It’s not like I go around saying I prefer guys with big penises, even though it might be true.
- A V-neck t-shirt is too revealing. A t-shirt is supposed to be casual weekend attire right? It’s simple, no fuss, and looks good on everyone. But I can’t just throw on a v-neck and call it an outfit, unless I’m okay with way a whole lot of cleavage for Sunday brunch.
- Going braless isn’t an option. When someone suggests wearing that cute dress with the open back without a bra, I can only laugh. And let these things roam free in public? I don’t think so.
- People who feel the need to remind me how big they are. Yes, I carry them around every day. There’s no one in the world who knows better than me how big they are. The worst is when I thought they looked smaller in this top, and then the first thing out of someone’s mouth upon seeing me is “OMG, your boobs look huge today!” Great.
- Wearing the tightest sports bra ever if I want to work out. The cheap cotton sports bras that some girls can wear aren’t going to do crap. I need a heavy duty (and probably expensive) one that will hold everything in place, but still be comfortable, so my boobs don’t smack me in the chin when I’m trying to run.
- Speaking of running… It’s not my exercise of choice. Having my boobs bounce around with every step not only makes me self conscious, but it hurts. If running is on the agenda, usually two sports bra are required, and who wants to wear two sports bras?
- The torture that is bra shopping. I have a go-to style I know always fits right, so when I’m feeling awful after trying on a few new styles that end up being way too small, I can always default back to that. Also, bandeau style bras? LOL no.
- The lower back pain. Being this top heavy cannot be good for the spine.
- Dresses never fit right. Finding one that doesn’t have to be tailored to fit is next to impossible. And then there’s the dread of being a bridesmaid in a wedding party full of girls with average sized boobs who all just love the strapless dress look.
- Finding a decent bathing suit is always an ordeal. Being able to buy the top and bottom separately is an absolute must. But finding a top with enough support and coverage that you won’t be constantly worried about flashing families at the beach is like mission impossible.
- People who stare. It’s not just men either. But it’s hard to blame them, boobs this big are pretty hard to miss.