Are You A Type B Mom? If So, We Salute You

Are You A Type B Mom? If So, We Salute You

Not all moms are cut from the same cloth, and that’s precisely what makes parenting so beautiful—and chaotic. While Type A moms thrive on color-coded calendars, spotless homes, and Pinterest-level birthday parties, Type B moms bring a laid-back, roll-with-the-punches energy to family life. And honestly? That’s a vibe worth celebrating. If you’re the queen of organized chaos and “we’ll figure it out as we go,” this one’s for you.

1. Your Kids’ Schedule? Lives In My Head

Who needs a fancy planner when you’ve got the memory of a mom who’s kind of keeping it all together? For Type B moms, their kids’ schedule isn’t written down—it’s floating somewhere between “I’ll remember it” and “Wait, what day is soccer practice again?” Sure, you’ve missed a few practices or accidentally double-booked a playdate, but hey, everything works out in the end. According to a study published in the Journal of Family Psychology, mothers often carry the mental load of family schedules, which can lead to increased stress levels. Your approach to scheduling aligns with a more relaxed parenting style, which can have benefits for both parents and children.

Your approach to scheduling might not win any awards, but your kids are learning to go with the flow. And let’s be honest, life’s too short to stress over time blocks and reminders. You show up (mostly) when it matters, and your kids love you for it—even if that means you’re frantically googling “school half-day schedule” at midnight.

2. The Class Potluck Sign-Up Sheet? Never Saw It

When the teacher sends out the sign-up sheet for classroom snacks or party supplies, you’re probably the last one to add your name—or, let’s be real, you forget entirely. Type B moms don’t obsess over being first in line to sign up for the fruit tray or coordinating napkins and plates. If there’s still a slot open (or you remember the night before), you’re there to save the day, albeit in your own way. Research from the University of Maryland suggests that parental involvement in school activities doesn’t necessarily correlate with better academic outcomes for children. Your laid-back approach to class sign-ups may not negatively impact your child’s school experience.

Your contribution might not look Pinterest-perfect, but it’s always full of heart. Maybe you swing by the store for pre-packaged cupcakes instead of baking from scratch. Guess what? The kids don’t care, and neither do you. You’re not trying to impress anyone—you’re just doing your best, and that’s more than enough.

3. Your School Drop-Off Fit? Jammies And Ugg Boots

Why overcomplicate mornings with a polished outfit when you can rock your coziest pajamas and trusty Uggs? For Type B moms, school drop-off isn’t a fashion show—it’s a race to get everyone out the door on time. Your go-to look might scream “I rolled out of bed five minutes ago,” but you wear it with pride (and maybe a little bedhead). A survey conducted by Motherly found that 93% of mothers feel overwhelmed by parenting responsibilities, including morning routines. Your prioritization of comfort over appearance during school drop-offs reflects a common sentiment among busy parents.

While some moms are fully dressed and accessorized by 7 a.m., you’re just proud you remembered to grab coffee before hopping in the car. You’ve got your priorities straight: comfort first, style…maybe later. And honestly, your unapologetic realness inspires other moms to ditch the pressure and embrace the cozy life.

4. Weekly Meal Plan? Looks Like It’s Seamless Tonight

Close-up Of A Happy Young Woman Wearing Sunglasses Eating Pizza

Meal prepping? Not your thing. For Type B moms, dinner often involves asking, “What do you guys feel like eating?” at 6:30 p.m. and letting the family debate between pizza or Chinese takeout. You’re not stressing over meticulously planned meals or perfectly balanced plates—you’re just making sure everyone’s fed and happy. The American Heart Association reports that home-cooked meals are generally healthier, but acknowledges that busy families often rely on takeout or quick meals4. Your flexible approach to meal planning reflects the reality of many modern families balancing multiple responsibilities.

Some weeks, you might feel a burst of motivation to cook a big meal, but most of the time, it’s a mix of leftovers, freezer finds, and whatever delivery option feels easiest. And guess what? Your kids aren’t complaining. You’re teaching them that flexibility is key and that life doesn’t have to be perfectly planned to be enjoyable.

5. Freshly Washed Laundry? Still Chillin’ On The Chair

If there’s one universal truth about Type B moms, it’s that laundry lives in the basket way longer than it should. Sure, you’ve washed and dried the clothes (that’s half the battle), but folding them? That’s a whole other story. You’re not about to spend your precious free time meticulously organizing socks and T-shirts when there are Netflix shows to watch.

Let’s be real—your kids have learned to grab their clothes straight from the basket, and everyone’s fine with it. No one’s ironing their PJs, and life goes on. You’ve embraced the beauty of imperfection, and that’s what makes your household so relatable.

6. Parent-Teacher Conferences? Turned Up On The Wrong Day

A beautiful young teacher grading papers in her office

Type B moms aren’t strangers to showing up at school only to realize the parent-teacher conference was scheduled for tomorrow. It’s not that you don’t care—it’s just that dates and times tend to blur together in the whirlwind of life. And hey, at least you showed up, right?

Your mix-ups might cause a few laughs, but they also highlight your ability to roll with the punches. You don’t sweat the small stuff, and your easygoing attitude sets the tone for a family that knows how to adapt. Your kids know you’re always trying, and that effort means more than perfection ever could.

7. Your Self-Care Routine? Totally Out The Window This Week

Self-care is essential, but when you’re a Type B mom, it often takes a backseat to everything else. That skincare routine you swore you’d stick to? Forgotten in the chaos of bedtime battles and after-school activities. And let’s not even talk about the gym membership you haven’t used in months.

But here’s the thing—you’re still thriving, even if self-care looks like a quick shower and a stolen moment with your favorite snack. You understand that balance isn’t always achievable, and that’s okay. You’re doing your best to take care of everyone, and sometimes, that’s more than enough.

8. Executive Functioning? 125’489 Unread Emails

Type B moms are the queens of “I’ll get to it later” when it comes to their overflowing inboxes. They approach life with a laid-back, go-with-the-flow attitude, which means emails rarely feel urgent enough to tackle immediately. If it’s not a message about their kid’s school, a medical appointment, or an immediate crisis, it’s likely getting skipped for the day (or the month). Promotional offers, reminders, and newsletters often get filed away in their mental “not right now” category, creating an endless backlog. Unread emails aren’t a stressor for a Type B mom—they’re just part of the digital chaos they’ve learned to live with. They value being present in the moment over obsessing about clearing notifications, which means email organization isn’t exactly top priority.

When faced with a choice between responding to an email, spending time with their kids, or binge-watching a favorite show, the emails don’t stand a chance. Many of those messages might feel like noise in an already hectic world, so ignoring them becomes a form of self-preservation. Type B moms also tend to be big-picture thinkers, which means the small task of replying to emails feels like an afterthought compared to everything else on their plate. Ultimately, their inbox might look intimidating, but it’s all part of their relaxed, “life’s too short to stress about emails” mentality.

9. Holiday Shopping? Done The Night Before

While Type A moms finish their holiday shopping weeks in advance, you’re browsing the aisles on Christmas Eve. Last-minute shopping might feel chaotic, but it’s when you shine. You’ve perfected the art of finding great gifts on the fly; somehow, it always works out.

Sure, some adrenaline is involved, but you thrive under pressure. Your family never knows the difference, and the gifts are just as meaningful as if you’d planned them weeks ahead. You might cut it close, but you always deliver.

10. Kids’ Bedtime Routine? A Moving Target

couple in bed with kids jumping

Bedtime isn’t an exact science in your house—it’s more of a general suggestion. Some nights, the kids are in bed by 8 p.m.; other nights, it’s closer to 10. You’re not sweating it because, for you, flexibility is key.

While other moms might stick to strict schedules, you embrace the ebb and flow of family life. And honestly, those extra moments of giggles and storytelling make up for the lack of consistency.

11. Your Turn To Bring Sports Snacks? Last-Minute Dunkin’ Donut Run

Sport fans: A girl holds a flag in her hands

When it’s your turn to bring snacks for the team, you’re not whipping up homemade granola bars. Instead, you swing by Dunkin’ Donuts or grab a bulk box of snacks from the grocery store on the way to the game. It’s not fancy, but it’s fun—and the kids are thrilled.

You don’t stress over impressing other parents because you know it’s the thought that counts. By keeping it simple, you’re making life easier for yourself and still showing up for your kids.

12. Gentle Parenting? Sounds Good In Theory

You’ve read the articles, seen the Instagram posts, and maybe even skimmed a book on gentle parenting. And while it all sounds fantastic—calmly discussing emotions, setting boundaries with love—you’re out here doing your best to manage meltdowns without losing your mind. In theory, you’d love to be the mom who never raises her voice or gets flustered, but in practice? Some days feel more like survival mode than a parenting masterclass.

Still, your heart is in the right place, and your kids know they’re loved—even if your version of gentle parenting involves the occasional “because I said so.” You balance compassion with realism, which makes your parenting style so relatable. You’re teaching your kids that it’s okay to be imperfect as long as love is at the core of everything you do.

13. Birthday Parties? Outsourced To The Trampoline Park

Copy space shot of bored young woman sitting at table with hand under chin, wearing a fun party hat and blowing a party horn while celebrating her birthday alone.

When it comes to birthday celebrations, you’re not spending weeks crafting elaborate decorations or baking a Pinterest-worthy cake. Instead, you book a spot at the trampoline park, the bowling alley, or any place that guarantees the kids will have fun and you won’t have to clean up afterward. It’s about keeping things simple, fun, and stress-free for you.

Your kids don’t care about the fancy details—they’re just thrilled to celebrate with their friends. And you? You’re happy to let someone else handle the chaos while you sit back and enjoy a slice of store-bought cake. You’ve mastered the art of making memories without driving yourself crazy, and that’s something to celebrate.

14. Art Projects? Happen At Grandma’s House

When your kids beg to break out the glitter and glue, your first instinct might be to redirect that energy elsewhere. Type B moms know that art projects are fun…as long as they don’t involve a tornado of supplies scattered across the house. Instead, you’re the queen of delegating messy crafts to Grandma’s house or saving them for school projects.

This doesn’t mean you’re not supportive of creativity—you prefer to keep the chaos contained. And honestly, your kids still get to express themselves without leaving a trail of glitter that lasts for months. You’ve found the perfect balance between encouraging their imagination and keeping your sanity intact.

15. Sports Practice? A Free Social Hour

men disappoint me

While your kids are running laps or perfecting their drills, you’re catching up on texts, chatting with other parents, or sneaking in a few moments to yourself. For Type B moms, sports practice isn’t just about cheering from the sidelines—it’s a mini-break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Sure, you’re paying attention (most of the time), but you also see these moments as an opportunity to recharge. You’re not glued to a clipboard or analyzing every play—you’re there to support your kids while embracing the laid-back energy that makes you, well, you.

16. Weekend Plans? Made On The Fly

Type B moms aren’t big on elaborate weekend itineraries. While some families might have their Saturdays scheduled to the minute, you prefer to see where the day takes you. Maybe you’ll hit the park, maybe you’ll stay in pajamas until noon, or maybe you’ll spontaneously decide to grab ice cream before dinner.

This go-with-the-flow approach teaches your kids to be flexible and enjoy life as it comes. It’s not about cramming activities into every second—it’s about making memories in a way that feels authentic and fun. And honestly, isn’t that what weekends are all about?

Natasha is a seasoned lifestyle journalist and editor based in New York City. Originally from Sydney, during a a stellar two-decade career, she has reported on the latest lifestyle news and trends for major media brands including Elle and Grazia. Natasha now writes and directs content for Bolde Media, publishers of Bolde, Star Candy, Style Files, Psych Love and Earth Animals.