Baby Shark Released A New Song About Hand-Washing That You’ll Never Get Out Of Your Head

It seems like the Baby Shark song has been stuck in our heads forever. We’ve only JUST managed to get it unstuck from the deepest recesses of our brains… and now it’s back in a new form. That’s right, Baby Shark has a new song about hand-washing and you’ll be singing it over and over again until long after quarantine is over.

  1. It’s called “Wash Your Hands.” These are some difficult times at the moment and Baby Shark wants to get involved to do its part in reminding everyone, kids and adults alike, to keep their hands clean to stop the spread of illness. Hence, the new song to that classic tune…
  2. It uses the same tune as the original Baby Shark song. That earworm is back with a socially conscious message this time. The lyrics are simple but the point it makes is an important one. While singing, you’ll be reminded to “Wash your hands, doo doo doo doo doo (x3). Grab some soap, doo doo doo doo doo (x3). Rub your hands, doo doo doo doo doo (x3). Rinse your hands, doo doo doo doo doo (x3). Dry your hands, doo doo doo doo doo (x3).” Got it!
  3. Baby Shark’s new song covers other basic hygiene measures too! Other parts of the track advise people to cover your sneeze (doo doo doo doo doo) and to cough into your elbow (doo doo doo doo doo), both of which make perfect sense and can work wonders from stopping the spread of germs.
  4. Hey, if this helps kids, I’m all for it. I know it’s pretty horrible to not be able to get “Baby Shark” out of your head, but now that the classic character, a creation of South Korean educational brand PinkFong, has a lesson to teach, we just have to embrace it.
  5. Don’t forget to wash your hands, people. And stay safe!
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