Baby Yoda Chia Pets Exist So You Can Now Grow Your Own Adorable Child

Baby Yoda Chia Pets Exist So You Can Now Grow Your Own Adorable Child

Update: May 29, 2020

You can now pre-order your very own Baby Yoda Chia Pet on the Gamestop website HERE. While they’re not shipping just yet, $19.99 will ensure that as soon as they’re available, you’ll be one of the first to get a hold of one.

Original story: February 29, 2020

I don’t mean to be hyperbolic but I’m pretty sure Baby Yoda is the cutest thing ever. He’s cuter than newborn babies (although I guess he’s close to one himself?) and tiny puppies put together, and that’s saying something. If you agree and want to get your hands on everything The Child-related ever, get ready to make gardening adorable again with the Baby Yoda Chia Pet coming out soon.


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  1. It was just unveiled at the New York Toy Fair. Entertainment collectible company NECA unveiled the Baby Yoda Chia Pet last week and people immediately went nuts for it. It’s easy to see why: it’s a creative and fun way to indulge your Baby Yoda obsession and add a little green to your work or living space.
  2. Don’t worry, you’re not growing hair on The Child’s head. Baby Yoda is bald save for a little bit of peach fuzz on his head, so it would be wrong for the Chia Pet version of him to have loads of leafy “hair.” That’s why this product is a little different. It features a Baby Yoda sitting in a terra cotta planter and the plants themselves grow around him, cradling him in. Ahhhh!
  3. You don’t have to be a gardening expert to grow one. The great thing about Chia Pets is that even those of us born without a green thumb can indulge and successfully grow one. Baby Yoda is no exception. The box will come with everything you need to get started, including directions. It’s simple!
  4. No word on when this will be available to buy, unfortunately. Since it was just unveiled last week, there’s still no official release date for the Baby Yoda Chia Pet, at least not one that’s been announced publicly. Given the craze for the Mandalorian character, it shouldn’t be long until we see this one hitting shelves.


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