Before You Dump The Guy Who’s Just “Too Nice,” Read This

After one too many terrible relationships with toxic, selfish men, we all swear we just want to meet a “nice guy,” only to be bored and disillusioned with him when we manage to find one. Before you kick the guy who’s way too sweet for his own good to the curb, consider these things.

  1. He’s all about the slow burn. Some guys who are considered bad boys will come on too strong and be so confident they’ll border on arrogant. The nice guy is gentle and much more subtle in his approach, and sometimes that’s the perfect change of pace you need even if you don’t realize it yet.
  2. He won’t leave you hanging. One of the best things about dating a genuinely good guy is that he won’t play hard to get. If you text him, he won’t leave you on read for the whole day until he decides to reply. If he says he’ll call, he won’t disappear for a week to leave you in dating purgatory. You won’t have all that stress to deal with!
  3. He thinks ahead. The thing about nice guys is that they are extremely thoughtful. They’ll realize that you might be cold when you step outside the restaurant at the end of dinner so they’ll give you their jacket. They’ll think that you might like a cup of tea while you’re working so hard so they’ll bring you one without you saying anything. It makes you feel special.
  4. He isn’t on his phone all day. Have you ever been on a date with a guy who never listened to you? It sucked. With nice guys, they want to take a step back and listen to what you have to say because they’re not conversation killers. It’s so refreshing to actually be heard sometimes.
  5. He isn’t just “nice.” It’s unfair to think that all nice guys are only nice and that makes them boring because they have no other defining personality traits. Yes, those people do exist, but take a look beneath the niceness and you’ll probably see many other great things.
  6. He isn’t a doormat. Don’t think that the guy who’s always polite and caring is just a doormat. It’s a total myth to assume that people who are nice don’t have backbones. Just try to take them for granted and you’ll lose them.
  7. He leads with his heart. You know that you want a kind guy who treats you and others with respect. Bonus points for the nice guy who’s an animal lover and will go out of his way to help those in need.
  8. He’s an open book. Hey, that’s a good thing! While the mysterious guy might seem sexy, the truth is that he can become a bit frustrating after a while. He’s overrated. That’s why the guy who’s what you see is what you get is so refreshing and fun to be around. When people are open with you, it makes it easier for you to do the same in return.
  9. He isn’t a stereotype. One of the worst things you can do is assume that the nice guy is going to be boring, nerdy, too sweet, too needy, and so on. This is BS! Every nice guy will be different and he’ll have his own personality to explore. He might not actually be a nice guy after all, so keep your eyes open and focus on getting to know the guy instead of writing him off too soon.
  10. He’s good to those you love. The nice guy respects you so he’s not going to trash the things you love. He’ll be good to the people who are important to you, like by making time in his schedule for your loved ones and putting up with your annoying best friend because he knows what’s important to you matters. Swoon.
  11. He’s got no time for drama. The nice guy knows that you’re tired of dealing with guys who waste your time and lead you down the garden path, so he’ll be upfront about what he wants from the beginning. There are no games with this guy. He isn’t going to make you run around to get his attention or guess what he really means when he sends certain texts. If he wants to date you, he’ll tell you. It’s awesome! Seriously, you should try dating the nice guy.
Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.