The Bible often gets painted as a giant book of “thou shalt nots,” but the truth is, a lot of those supposed “sins” are based on misunderstandings, outdated context, or prioritizing rules over the heart of the message. Let’s clear some things up.
1. You can totally get a tattoo — and piercings too!
A verse in Leviticus gets misquoted a lot to condemn tattoos, Huffington Post explains. But contextually, this was likely aimed at specific pagan religious markings of that era, not your cute butterfly tattoo. Your body is a canvas, and God appreciates your self-expression more than judging your artistic choices.
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2. You can absolutely work on Sundays (or any other holy day).
Remember, the Sabbath was created for our benefit, not as a divine burden. Rest was a radical idea in those times! If your job requires Sunday work, God understands modern realities. True “Sabbath” is more about making space for intentional rest whenever your schedule allows.
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3. It’s okay for women to wear pants.
A Deuteronomy verse about cross-dressing was aimed at blurring societal roles in ancient times. But let’s be real, God doesn’t have a fashion police department. Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable and powerful, whether that’s a flowy dress or a power suit.
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4. You can question your faith; God can handle it.
Some of the greatest figures in the Bible wrestled with doubt and questioned God directly! Faith isn’t about blind obedience, but an ever-deepening relationship, and that includes the messy, questioning parts. God welcomes your honest wrestling more than any performance of perfect, unquestioning belief. Your character will evolve as a result, as well, PsychCentral notes.
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5. It’s fine to have a drink (or two) responsibly.
The Bible warns against drunkenness, which is very different from enjoying a glass of wine with dinner. Jesus’ first miracle? Turning water into better wine at a party! Clearly, He understood the value of good times and celebration.
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6. It’s healthy to express a full range of emotions, even anger.
The Bible itself contains verses about anger, but like any emotion, it’s how you manage it that counts. Sometimes righteous anger against injustice is a powerful force for good! Remember, even God Himself shows righteous anger in the face of cruelty and oppression.
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7. You can be wealthy without being condemned.
The Bible includes verses that warn against the love of money, not against wealth itself. God rejoices in our success! The important thing is generosity – what you do with your blessings matters far more than the dollar amount in your bank account.
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8. There’s no sin in enjoying intimacy within a loving relationship.
Sadly, a lot of shame around intimacy gets projected onto the Bible, but that’s just distortion. God created intimacy and declared it good! Mutually fulfilling, consensual intimacy is a gift, whether you’re married or not. Abuse and exploitation are the true sins, never pleasure itself.
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9. It’s okay to swear if you stub your toe (but maybe not all the time).
A “don’t take the Lord’s name in vain” verse was likely focused on serious oaths, not frustrated exclamations. The occasional swear word when you’re in pain probably won’t bring down divine wrath. However, it’s good practice to find healthier ways to express yourself in the long run!
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10. You don’t have to constantly be happy and joyful.
Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes it’s just plain hard! Trying to force constant happiness, especially when you’re struggling, is harmful. God understands and embraces the full spectrum of human emotions – sadness, grief, frustration, they’re all part of being alive.
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11. You’re allowed to break religious rules in order to genuinely help others..
Jesus repeatedly challenged the religious leaders of his day when their focus on rigid rules got in the way of compassion. If a “rule” prevents you from truly helping someone in need, God is siding with the compassionate act every single time. Love always trumps legalism.
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12. You absolutely don’t have to agree with everything in the Bible.
The Bible was written over centuries, in different historical and cultural contexts. It’s okay to realize that some passages are products of their time and don’t reflect God’s eternal truths. Grappling with the text and focusing on its big-picture messages of love and justice is far more important than blind adherence to every single word.
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13. You won’t be condemned for being LGBTQ+.
Verses used to condemn the LGBTQ+ community are tragically based on mistranslations and misunderstandings of the original language and context. God is love, and that love extends to everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Any interpretation of the Bible that encourages hate contradicts its core message.
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14. You don’t have to go to church if it’s harmful to you.
Unfortunately, some churches can be toxic spaces instead of sources of healing. God isn’t confined to a building. If your spiritual community is causing you pain, God absolutely understands if you need to take a break to protect your well-being.
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15. It’s okay to love yourself – a lot!
The Bible tells us to “love your neighbor as yourself,” which actually implies self-love as a starting point! God created you with unique gifts and inherent worth. Treating yourself with kindness, celebrating your strengths, and forgiving your flaws – that’s as holy as any other commandment in the book.
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