Birthday Tacos Are Replacing Cakes And They’re A Deliciously Savory Way To Celebrate

Birthday Tacos Are Replacing Cakes And They’re A Deliciously Savory Way To Celebrate

I have a massive sweet tooth but I know that’s not the case for everyone. In fact, some people really aren’t into sugary treats at all and really prefer savory stuff. For those people, I have a great suggestion for their next birthday. Instead of having to shove down a slice of cake just because your friends/partner/colleagues bought you one, why not request some birthday tacos instead?

birthday tacos

  1. These bad boys come courtesy of Las Brasas Tacos & Grill Catering. The Texas-based company came up with these incredible birthday tacos to make turning another year older so much tastier. Given how Mexican food is pretty much part of every Texan’s blood, this is not only appropriate, it’s downright heavenly.
  2. Wait, what are birthday tacos? Exactly what they sound like, duh! It’s everything you know and love about tacos — meat, shells, guac, salsa, cilantro, etc. — all arranged in numbers to make up the age of the person celebrating. That means these things are infinitely customizable and that getting older is actually a good thing because it means more tacos. What’s not to love?
  3. If you don’t happen to live in Texas, you could always try doing this yourself. While I would 100% recommend hitting up Las Brasas Tacos & Grill Catering to make your birthday tacos if you live in the area (I’m both lazy and love supporting independent businesses), if you’re nowhere near Texas and are desperate to try this, you could give it a go! Get all the fixin’s and a board big enough to hold it all and get creative. It’ll be the most rewarding project you ever undertake.
  4. There’s nothing to say you can’t have the cake too. I love both sweet and savory stuff equally, so while I would absolutely adore birthday tacos, I still need something sweet to end the meal with, so I’d have to go with a birthday cake too. Hey, it’s my celebration – I can have what I want! (And so can you.)

birthday tacos birthday tacos

Jennifer has been the managing editor of Bolde since its launch in 2014. Before that, she was the founding editor of HelloGiggles and also worked as an entertainment writer for Bustle and Digital Spy. Her work has been published in Bon Appetit, Decider, Vanity Fair, The New York TImes, and many more.