Book Pumpkins Are The Adorable Accessory Trend Your House Needs This Fall

Book Pumpkins Are The Adorable Accessory Trend Your House Needs This Fall

The first day of autumn isn’t far away now, and I don’t know about you, but I’ve already completely mentally transitioned away from summer and am throwing myself headfirst into autumn. That means not only changing what I wear (c’mon, hoodie weather!) but also starting to change my decor to be more in line with good ol’ hygge. One of the first things I’m getting? Book pumpkins. Not only will they be a great, non-creepy Halloween decoration, but they’ll be perfect for all season long!

book pumpkins

  1. This is the perfect geeky gift. While any reader would likely consider destroying a book to be akin to sacrilege, these book pumpkins are well worth it. After all, these are more like a creative way of upcycling, creating something beautiful and decorative that can be enjoyed by all out of something that’s often deeply personal.
  2. If you’re going for a country cottage vibe, book pumpkins are a must-have. In autumn, I love decorating my house like I have some expensive cottage in the countryside where I sit by roaring log fires and spend my days hiking or whatever. (Hey, it’s a dream, let me have it!) In any case, these book pumpkins, which are made by Etsy shop RootToVine, are the perfect accessory to further that vibe.
  3. They’re available in three different sizes. Just like regular pumpkins aren’t one size fits all, the book version is also available in Small, Medium, and Large sizes. You can purchase these separately from RootToVine separately or as a set of three – your choice!
  4. They’re also available in two different colors. You can either get them in orange, which is perfect for really making them look like real pumpkins, or in natural book color if that fits with your decor.
  5. What are you waiting for? Get your book pumpkins now. Autumn is nearly here and you don’t want to miss out on these!

book pumpkins

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