My Boyfriend Of 4 Years Cheated On Me & I’m So Glad He Did

My Boyfriend Of 4 Years Cheated On Me & I’m So Glad He Did ©iStock/skynesher

Almost four years ago,  I found out that my loving, loyal, boyfriend of four years had been cheating on me. I didn’t catch them in bed and he didn’t confess in guilt-ridden tears; instead, his ex-girlfriend showed up at my house during a party I was throwing and told me that they’d been secretly hooking up for months. It sucked. I cried, I yelled and I struggled to get through it. I did get through it, and now that I’ve got some distance from the situation, I’m actually grateful for the betrayal — here’s why:

  1. It forced me to grow up. It’s not that I wasn’t mature before, but after learning that the person I’d confided in for over three years was a cheater, I realized that I needed to always rely on number one (that’d be me, in case that wasn’t clear)!
  2. I learned that sometimes there’s a more sinister reason for erratic behavior. I thought my ex loved me the same way that I loved him. He was attentive, took me on romantic dates and our friends and families fit together like glue. Unfortunately, he also was a petty liar, a bad listener and blew me off last minute quite frequently. At the time I thought it was annoying, but turns out it was because he had a second relationship on the side!
  3. I learned how to love someone despite their flaws. Crazy, I know, but I was in love with the guy. I loved him despite all these terrible qualities. When I found out he was cheating, I realized that if I could love someone with blatantly obvious faults, I could definitely love someone that treats me the way I deserve.
  4. I now know What A Relationship ISN’T. A relationship is not selfish, constantly questioning or frequently dramatic. The most frustrating thing was that he always thought I was seeing someone else, or how he was convinced that my best friend and I secretly had feelings for one another. No matter how much I assured him that there was no one else, he felt insecure about our relationship. I later found out that cheaters often make their partner out to be unfaithful in some way to deflect from their own behavior.
  5. It Was My First Awkward And Real Relationship. I experienced all the awkward firsts with someone that treated me only moderately well and I still don’t regret it one bit! Every awkward moment we had together, physically and emotionally, is something I’m grateful for today. I’ve thought about it, and if I had to trade all the great experiences for never having been with him, I wouldn’t do it. I would take the cheating all over again because of how much stronger the experience made me in the end.
  6. I Learned What True Closure Is. Telling someone that you need closure is absolute crap. We had a ton of different conversations after we broke up, and not one made me feel better! In fact, each one made me feel worse! It wasn’t until I blocked him out for a few months, carried on in my daily life and became busy with other things that I realized I finally had my closer — and I’d given it to myself.
  7. Forgiveness Is Freeing. I didn’t truly get over my ex for about two years after all our drama went down. It was a difficult time and I hated that I had lost my best friend. I had to see him frequently since we ran in the same circles and I knew I had to get over him. Instead of holding a grudge, I learned to truly forgive him. I started piecing together all the amazing things I learned from our relationship and I knew that it wasn’t worth hating a whole period of my life because of him. Instead, I decided that I wouldn’t let his hurtful choices hurt me any longer. When I finally made that decision, I was free.
  8. My Confidence has skyrocketed.  In the aftermath of learning that half of my relationship was a lie, I learned just how amazing I am! I never thought I could be that strong or independent, yet every day I put my big girl pants on and realized that I’m an amazing woman. I know I don’t need a guy if I don’t want one, and I now understand that a real relationship should be free of lies, deceit and constantly blaming your significant other for really stupid things.
Tori is a recent college graduate trying to find her place in this world. She loves to travel (way too much), play volleyball, and practice her broken German when she isn't working as a safari specialist.