For Wayne Price, driving a group of local kids in Montevallo, Alabama to school in the morning was more than a job. He grew to truly care about them, which is why when he heard that Montevallo Elementary School was opening two hours late due to icy conditions and fog on December 11, 2018, he went above and beyond to make sure none of the kids went hungry.
- Price bought McDonald’s for the entire bus. As the school shared on its Facebook page, “Mr. Price, one of our bus drivers, truly demonstrates the spirit of Christmas! On Tuesday, when school was delayed due to icy roads and we weren’t able to serve breakfast, he purchased biscuits from McDonald’s for his entire bus of students! What a kind act that our students will forever remember! Thank you, Mr. Price, for making a lasting impact in the lives of our students!” Talk about an amazing guy!
- He’s not rich but he didn’t want the kids to go without. Price learned about the delay a few hours before picking the kids up. So, he stopped at McDonald’s ahead of his pickup route and grabbed the food. While one of the kids remarked that he must be rich, he replied, “I am not rich. I am in full-time ministry.”
- The local McDonald’s was more than happy to help. While it may have seemed impossible to even get enough food made in a quick enough time to feed the kids, it worked out perfectly. “When I got to McDonald’s, I asked the manager, ‘Can you turn around 50 biscuits in 15 minutes and can you give me as good of a deal as possible?’ He gave me a dollar deal and we just turned it around,” Price told TODAY Food. “They really hustled with other customers in the store and I walked out with a box load of biscuits for my kids.”
- There was no better use of $50 for him. As Price explained, as per Fox News, he could have spent the money on something silly like going out to dinner with his family, but he knew ensuring the kids were fed before school was a more worthwhile cause. “You can drop $50 going out to dinner, and it was nothing more than taking my family out to dinner. When it came down to the financial side, it was just second nature. I really did not think about it. I thought, hey this would be neat. I bet they will like this,” Price said. “We get caught up in materialistic things, even buying biscuits to a certain element is a little materialistic, but Christmas is giving. Christmas is showing love.”
- At the end of the day, Price really loves his kids. “When the kids got on I said, ‘So, what do ya want? Sausage? McMuffin?” he added with a hearty laugh. “I got some sweet kids and I get really attached to them… they were really appreciative. I dunno. I just love my kids. I got lots of fist pumps, lots of high-fives, lots of ‘Love you Mr. Price,’ lots of ‘Thank you Mr. Price.'” He’s the best!
- McDonald’s also decided to reward Price’s good deeds. The U.S. division of McDonald’s later sent him a hand-written note thanking him for his thoughtful gesture as well as a $100 Arch Card and a $1,000 Visa gift card. Not only that, but the local restaurant where Price bought the kids breakfast gave him coupons to feed the kids against at the beginning of the following school year.
Often overlooked but some of the hardest working & caring staff members . Transportation drivers are the first smile a child sees and sometimes the last each day. Great story :Alabama elementary school bus driver buys McDonald’s breakfast for students|
— Kyle Berger (@edtechcto) December 16, 2018