I’ve loved Butterfinger my entire life. That crispety, crunchety, peanut buttery candy bar is definitely one of the best and I think it’s totally underrated. However, it does have its dedicated fans like me, and all of us are freaking out at the possibility of Butterfinger peanut butter becoming a thing ever since the brand teased it on Instagram a couple of days ago.
- It’s not a real product… or is it? We know that there’s no such thing as Butterfinger peanut butter at the moment, but it’s a distinct possibility, right? The official Instagram account for the candy bar posted a photo with a mock-up image of what the product might look like with the words “New?*” and the asterisk marking that it could come “maybe sometime in the future.”
- Why tease us like that?! It seems pretty cruel to tell people like me, AKA someone with a massive sweet tooth, that Butterfinger peanut butter is a possibility when it’s really not. Also, it’s not even anywhere near April Fools’ Day, so it seems a pretty pointless prank. It seems like maybe they’re testing the water to see how consumers would feel about a product they have plans to bring out. In that case, sign me up!
- No, they’re definitely not kidding. The more I think about it, the more I believe this is really going to happen. “We just had the best idea for #NationalPeanutButterDay. Just kidding . . . Unless?” they wrote along with the Butterfinger peanut butter jar image on January 24. Seriously, there are such things as Snickers peanut butter (SUPER gross, I can sadly report, and it tastes nothing like a Snickers bar) and M&M’s peanut butter, so why not Butterfinger? It just makes sense!
- Stay tuned because you never know what may be coming. I’ll be awaiting an official announcement and will report back as soon as there is one because I know you’re all just as excited as me.