Butterfinger May Be Releasing Peanut Butter That Tastes Like The Candy Bar And People Are Freaking Out

Butterfinger May Be Releasing Peanut Butter That Tastes Like The Candy Bar And People Are Freaking Out

I’ve loved Butterfinger my entire life. That crispety, crunchety, peanut buttery candy bar is definitely one of the best and I think it’s totally underrated. However, it does have its dedicated fans like me, and all of us are freaking out at the possibility of Butterfinger peanut butter becoming a thing ever since the brand teased it on Instagram a couple of days ago.

  1. It’s not a real product… or is it? We know that there’s no such thing as Butterfinger peanut butter at the moment, but it’s a distinct possibility, right? The official Instagram account for the candy bar posted a photo with a mock-up image of what the product might look like with the words “New?*” and the asterisk marking that it could come “maybe sometime in the future.”
  2. Why tease us like that?! It seems pretty cruel to tell people like me, AKA someone with a massive sweet tooth, that Butterfinger peanut butter is a possibility when it’s really not. Also, it’s not even anywhere near April Fools’ Day, so it seems a pretty pointless prank. It seems like maybe they’re testing the water to see how consumers would feel about a product they have plans to bring out. In that case, sign me up!
  3. No, they’re definitely not kidding. The more I think about it, the more I believe this is really going to happen. “We just had the best idea for #NationalPeanutButterDay. Just kidding . . . Unless?” they wrote along with the Butterfinger peanut butter jar image on January 24. Seriously, there are such things as Snickers peanut butter (SUPER gross, I can sadly report, and it tastes nothing like a Snickers bar) and M&M’s peanut butter, so why not Butterfinger? It just makes sense!
  4. Stay tuned because you never know what may be coming. I’ll be awaiting an official announcement and will report back as soon as there is one because I know you’re all just as excited as me.
Jennifer has been the managing editor of Bolde since its launch in 2014. Before that, she was the founding editor of HelloGiggles and also worked as an entertainment writer for Bustle and Digital Spy. Her work has been published in Bon Appetit, Decider, Vanity Fair, The New York TImes, and many more.