Every month, Chili’s offers a new and unique margarita recipe for just $5. While some flavors have been a bit blah, I feel like February’s offering will not only be delicious but considering it contains three different types of alcohol, it’s a total bargain too. Here’s what you need to know before you go to order yours.
- It’s called “Hearts on Fire.” Makes sense with Valentine’s Day just around the corner. Corny jokes about “burning” passion aside, there’s a literal element to this concoction in that one of its ingredients will leave your throat feeling a bit flame-y (but in a good way).
- It contains three different but delicious types of alcohol. This time around, Chili’s margarita of the month contains not one, not two, but three different liquors that will leave you feeling tipsy in no time. Hearts on Fire contains Sauza silver tequila, Maker’s Mark bourbon, and Fireball whiskey.
- Don’t worry, it hasn’t lost its classic margarita taste. According to Delish editor Kristin Salaky, who’s tried the drink herself, despite the high alcohol content and the variety of liquor involved, Chili’s margarita of the month is still plenty sweet and actually doesn’t taste super boozy. That’s a good thing for many, but it also means you can probably down quite a few of them without realizing how drunk you’re getting.
- Like all Margaritas of the month, it’s only available for a limited time. “Hearts on Fire” is only around for the month of February, after which Chili’s will come up with a whole new concoction to tickle your taste buds. That means if you want to try it, you’ll need to make it to your local Chili’s ASAP. While you’re there, why not order some fried cheese, boneless wings, and some fries while you’re at it? You’ll need some food in your system to soak up all the alcohol, after all!