Summer is just around the corner and I think we’re all looking forward to getting outdoors and on the water. Whether you’re floating on your pool in the back yard or heading to the beach, you just want to get some sun, stay cool, and chill. Obviously things are a little different this year, but observing social distancing doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. Just get this inflatable coffin pool float and you’ll be resting in peace.
- It’s morbid but kind of genius. Yes, it’s kinda goth to think of floating around the pool or lake in a coffin, especially with everything that’s going on in the world right now. But if you can’t laugh, you’ll end up crying and no one wants that. Besides, these have been around for way longer than the global health crisis, so that’s a little more acceptable, right?
- It will definitely help you social distance. When you’re inside your coffin pool float, you’re safely sealed off from other people even without the lid (and yes, it comes with a lid). No one will be able to get in your personal space and you can just relax safely.
- If you’re a bit of an introvert, it doesn’t get better than a coffin pool float. When I’m at the beach, the lake, or even in my pool, I really just want to chill out and not be bothered. On a standard float, you have to look at other people and there’s always the chance that someone might swim over to you and start talking. That’s not a worry here!
- If you want a coffin pool float of your own, order HERE. You can buy one for $75, and they’re available in either hot pink or black depending on your personal preference. Maybe you even want to get one of each to share with a friend or partner. Enjoy!