You Can’t Complain About Being Single If You’re Doing These Things

No matter how much you enjoy your own company, there comes a point when it sucks being on your own and you’d like to be in a relationship. We’ve all been there! But if you always complain about being single while acting in any of these ways, you only have yourself to blame for not finding a great guy to date.

  1. Never getting off your couch or leaving your apartment If you always complain about being single and never meeting guys but you literally spend every weekend at home on your couch, you need to stop. Expecting your own personal Prince Charming to show up at your apartment with DoorDash dinner and eternal love for you is ridiculous and just isn’t going to happen. If you want to meet someone, you need to actually leave the house and get out to places where other guys actually are. It doesn’t have to be a bar or club if that’s not your scene—even joining a cooking class or hitting the gym could work.
  2. Thinking that all guys are trash/not worth your time This is a self-defeating attitude that’s also completely untrue. Just because you’ve had bad experiences with guys in the past does not mean that every guy is the same and that none of them are worth your time. If you truly believed that, why would you even want to be in a relationship to begin with? Having a bad attitude about love becomes obvious to other people and doesn’t make you seem particularly approachable.
  3. Having no idea what you want in a relationship You can’t complain about being single if you don’t know what you’re looking for in love. Without having a clear vision of your desires, there’s no way you’re ever going to find them. Before you go any further, you need to seriously think about what you want in a partner and in a relationship and then set those standards for yourself. Only then can you really consider yourself ready to be part of a couple.
  4. Going after the wrong types of guys If you’re only ever attracted to emotionally unavailable guys or players who just want to “keep it casual,” is it any wonder that you’re on your own? You’re a grown woman now, and your tastes should have evolved as you’ve grown up. Aim your sights a little bit higher and go for guys with something to offer you.
  5. Writing off decent guys for silly reasons You go on a great date with a guy but decide not to see him again because you don’t like his hairstyle or because he has a Master’s degree in experimental art. Never mind that the conversation was great and you really had a connection—he doesn’t fit your exact vision of the perfect guy so you’re not interested. Lame! You’re going to be single for a long time to come if you keep up this attitude.
Jennifer Still is a writer and editor with more than 10 years of experience. The managing editor of Bolde, she has bylines in Vanity Fair, Business Insider, The New York Times, Glamour, Bon Appetit, and many more. You can follow her on Twitter @jenniferlstill