This Crocheted Sloth Planter Makes Displaying Your Plants So Much Cuter

This Crocheted Sloth Planter Makes Displaying Your Plants So Much Cuter

If you have a massive plant collection (and let’s be honest, many of us do at this point) and you’re running out of fun, creative ways (or places) to display them AND you love adorable animals, you’re in luck. Crocheted sloth planters exist, and not only are they super cute hanging displays for all your succulents and small, leafy plants, but they’re also just the kind of DIY project you need during lockdown.

  1. If you know how to crochet, these sloth planters should be your next project. Etsy store HELLOhappy is selling crocheted sloth planters in a way, but instead of the finished item, what you’re actually buying is the pattern so that you can make them yourself. This means you’ll actually need to know how to crochet, but what better time to learn a new skill?
  2. You can literally have this in a day or two. Depending on how good you are at crocheting, you could have this sloth planter (or several of them!) hanging in your house in no time. When you buy the pattern, you can download it immediately and, assuming you have the supplies on hand (like the proper color yarn), you can get started right away. How satisfying is that?
  3. Everyone loves sloths. While the sloth frenzy has kiiiiinda settled down a bit over the past year or so, no one can deny that they’re one of the cutest, most precious animals ever. They just kinda… hang there and love life. They don’t harm anyone or cause any trouble, they just… exist. We can all learn a little from the sloth, I think.
  4. If you don’t know how to crochet or simply don’t feel like it, you can still have one. This is Etsy were talking about here, so there are plenty of other shops selling pre-made sloth planters that you can buy and have sent straight to your door. While they will cost you a bit more, laziness is priceless in my books, so go for it.
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