I’m Cute As Hell & Really Awesome, So Why Can’t I Get A Date?

I’m Cute As Hell & Really Awesome, So Why Can’t I Get A Date?

Don’t get me wrong, I love rolling solo and not having to worry about guy drama, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little bit frustrated by the fact that I can’t seem to get a date to save my life. I’m pretty cool if I do say so myself, so what gives?

  1. I “put myself out there” nonstop. Not to the point of desperation or anything, but I’m a pretty social person so I’m always happy to strike up conversations with strangers in bars or whatever. I’m on a couple of dating apps and check in a few times a week but I only seem to get messages from creeps. I try to display body language that tells single guys that I’m also available and totally open to being approached but it’s just not happening.
  2. I definitely don’t need a guy to be happy. By that I mean that I’m not hanging my happiness on a relationship. My life is already full and fulfilling as-is, but it’d be nice to add an awesome partner to the equation. I feel like I’ve mastered the whole self-love thing, which should make finding someone else to love a little easier, right?
  3. I don’t play games and always say exactly what I mean. I’m not here for all that playground BS—games are for kids and I left school years ago. When I like a guy, I’m upfront about it. If something bothers me, I say it straight up. I don’t try to make a guy guess how I feel or give him the silent treatment when he doesn’t act the way I want. I make it as uncomplicated as possible for them but I guess dudes are more drawn to drama?
  4. I’m not clingy—I need my space. I don’t freak if a guy hasn’t texted me back in five minutes and I certainly don’t want to hang out every night of the week. I have my own stuff going on so while I’d totally make the right guy a priority in my life, he won’t be the only one. I thought guys valued their space and that someone like me would make an ideal girlfriend but I guess not…
  5. I’m pretty sure I don’t even want to get married. I’m not trying to get a ring on my finger within a few months of dating. I’m not down for jumping in head first with daydreams of being some dude’s wife floating around in the back of my mind. I don’t picture our future kids’ names or scribble his last name after my first one. I love living in the moment and seeing where things go. That’s supposed to be a good thing!
  6. Appearances aren’t everything but I do take pride in mine. Beauty is more than skin deep and I don’t think physical appearances are anywhere near the most important thing in relationships, but I do take good care of myself—for me. I go to the gym, I eat well, I stay groomed and am comfortable rocking a full face of makeup or none at all. In other words, I think I’m moderately attractive—not a supermodel but not a slob either. Where are the takers?
  7. I’m confident without being arrogant. I know my worth and I’m not about to get with just any guy for the sake of not being on my own. I’m a fun, passionate person who would make a great girlfriend to an equally excellent guy. I haven’t found one yet, but I know he’s out there and when he comes along, I’ll be around, out there living my best life all on my own.


Bolde has been a source of dating and relationship advice for single women around the world since 2014. We combine scientific data, experiential wisdom, and personal anecdotes to provide help and encouragement to those frustrated by the journey to find love. Follow us on Instagram @bolde_media or on Facebook @BoldeMedia