How to Do Date Night Without Leaving the House

How to Do Date Night Without Leaving the House

Keeping a regular date night going is a great way to keep the spark alive in a relationship, but sometimes making it a night out on the town just isn’t matching your energy levels – or bank account. The key is the togetherness part and being in the moment, so you really have tons of options. Here are some ways to have totally great date nights without actually leaving the house.

  1. Have a themed movie night. This works particularly well if you can never agree on a movie to watch. Agree on a theme instead and then you both should pick one each and commit to watching both. Themes can be anything from particular genres or actors to years the movies came out. Matching snacks and drinks to the theme will really take the night to the next level.
  2. Cook something new together. You don’t have to be master chefs to turn a recipe and some ingredients into a real meal. If you guys already cook all the time. then choose something neither of you have made before. When’s the last time you rolled your own sushi? Alternatively, pick an ingredient (or two) and then figure out a way to work it into each course, from appetizer to desert.
  3. Host a double date game night. Date night doesn’t have to be a solo couple affair! Invite over your favorite duo that won’t be boring and play a board game… or you can just sit around talking and tasting different types of cheese like you might do if you were actually out.
  4. Throw a picnic in the backyard. Taking your dinner from the table to the yard is pretty simple, and yet so cute. Throw down a blanket and imagine that you’re somewhere exotic, enjoying nature alongside your boo. If you don’t have a yard (city living, right?), do it on your living room floor. Less bugs, anyway.
  5. Force yourselves to stay in bed.  When we get busy in life and comfortable in relationships, sometimes we start spending less time in bed just cuddling, giggling, and making out like we did at the beginning. If you’re missing that sort of thing in your relationship, why not make it mandatory by giving yourselves a 7 o’clock curfew on date night?
  6. Do your own wine tasting.  Whatever your drinks of choice may be, getting a few options and setting up a tasting is a fun twist on just sitting there drinking to get buzzed.Maybe you’ll discover a new favorite or the perfect gift option for your next housewarming party.
  7. Share your sexual fantasies. This sort of thing doesn’t always make it’s way into day-to-day conversation, but it doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be discussed if that’s something that appeals to you. Make lists of positions you’d like to try or things you’re curious about and then swap and discuss.
  8. Trade off candlelit dinner ideas.  This time you make the plan, next time he gets to do it. Whoever’s in charge gets to choose everything from the scent of the candle to the playlist, and of course the meal itself. It doesn’t have to be home cooked, it’s more of the surprise element that matters here.
  9. Plan a vacation. Been meaning to get away? Sit down and decide on every element from hotels to dates. You might actually be able to make it work with all the money you’ve been saving by staying in!
Kate Ferguson is a Los Angeles local and freelance writer for a variety of blog and magazine genres. When she's not writing, the UC Davis graduate is focused on pursuits of the entertainment industry, spin class, and hot sauce. Look for article links, updates, (and the occasional joke) on Twitter @KateFerg or @WriterKateFerg, or check out her personal blog