After Dating Nothing But Crappy Guys, It’s Amazing To Date A Great Guy

When you date nothing but crappy guys, you start to think all guys are the same. You get used to the BS and instead of thinking of it as sub-par and downright unacceptable, you start believing it’s just the norm. Newsflash: it’s not. That’s why when you finally find a good guy, you’re in for some serious surprises.

  1. He actually wants to take you out. That’s right — you don’t have to pull teeth just to go out on a date. A good guy isn’t afraid to make an effort. Crappy guys don’t understand that relationships take work, but good guys are more than willing to put in the time. He actually wants to take you out because he wants to impress you. Not only that, but at the end of the day, he just wants to be with you. Doesn’t that sound nice?
  2. He takes the time to earn your trust. Crappy guys expect you to trust them entirely from day one and get pissed off when you don’t. Good guys don’t take your kindness for granted. They know that building trust takes time, so when you find one, he actually wants to prove to you that he’s trustworthy. He takes the steps to show you that you can believe in him because a good guy knows he has to make a real effort in order for your relationship to work.
  3. It’s not all about sex. Hallelujah — finally, a man who is more interested in your mind than your body. Did you even know that men like that exist? It’s easy to believe they’re just a myth, but they’re actually real. There are men who don’t just want a physical connection, but an emotional one too. Good guys don’t want just sex. They want what you’ve always dreamed of —a real relationship. Let’s say it again, hallelujah!
  4. He’s not afraid to show you off. Meeting his friends and family? No problem. A good guy isn’t ashamed to introduce you to the people in his life. He doesn’t have anything to hide and for once you’re not the dirty secret. If you’re important to him then you’re going to meet his loved ones, because when a guy actually takes you seriously, he’s not afraid to take things to the next level.
  5. When he says he’ll be there, he’s actually there. A guy you can actually depend on? Now that’s a dream come true. Who would’ve thought it was possible for a man to actually be there for you? Good guys don’t make promises they can’t keep —they won’t be there for the good times and leave you whenever there’s a bump in the road. A good guy who says that he has your back no matter what actually does, and there’s nothing better than that.
  6. You don’t have to snoop because he’s definitely not sneaking around. When you’ve dated men who can’t even take a piss without their phone, you begin to think that all men have something to hide. They don’t dare leave their phones unattended just in case they get a phone call or, god forbid, a text. A good guy doesn’t worry about what you’ll see when he leaves the room because he’s got nothing to hide. For once, you don’t even feel the urge to snoop.
  7. He appreciates what he has. He’s not constantly comparing you to his ex or wishing he had someone better. He likes you for you just the way you are. He doesn’t want to change you and he doesn’t make you feel bad about yourself. He never makes you doubt his affection because he knows he’s lucky to have you, and that’s exactly how you know you’re lucky to have him.
  8. He actually cares how you feel. Your opinion matters to him because he actually cares about your happiness. A good guy knows that there are two people in a relationship while crappy guys only think about themselves. Love shouldn’t bee that selfish and a good guy would never be selfish with you. He cares about your wants, needs, and thoughts as much as his own and you’re going to love the way that feels.
  9. When he says he loves you, he means it. For once, welcome to a world where a man isn’t just a body full of lies. When you’re dating a good guy, he waits to say “I love you” until he actually means it. He takes those precious words just as seriously as you do and that’s why you can trust it’s the truth every time. He loves you, and he’s never going to take those words back.
  10. He doesn’t waste your time. He doesn’t leave you waiting by the phone for a text back and doesn’t pretend he wants a relationship when all he really wants is sex. He actually wants to spend time with you and even better, he knows how to make time for you. No more mixed signals. No more sitting at home on a Friday night. Now, isn’t that a pleasant surprise?
Kelsey Dykstra is a freelance writer based in Huntington Beach, CA. She has a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing from Grand Valley State University and been writing professionally since graduating in 2013. In addition to writing about love and relationships for Bolde and lifestyle topics for Love to Know, she also writes about payment security and small business solutions for PaymentCloud.

Originally from Michigan, this warm weather seeker relocated to the OC just last summer. Kelsey enjoys writing her own fictional pieces, reading a variety of young adult novels, binging on Netflix, and of course soaking up the sun.

You can find more about Kelsey on her LinkedIn profile or on Twitter @dykstrakelsey.