It’s happened to me (as well as just about every other girl I know) way too many times. A guy who I think is cute seems into me too, but then I notice that he completely ignores my texts during the day and only messages me at night when he’s horny. WTF? I’m sick of it.
- This kind of BS behavior ruins relationships. Believe it or not, if I decide to give you a chance, I actually do expect you to keep the relationship you have with me in the bedroom going outside it, too. From what I hear, actually wanting to communicate even when you’re not having sex with someone isn’t that unusual. By texting me only when you want to get laid, you’re giving me a good reason to dislike you and want to move onto someone better.
- It’s disrespectful and unattractive. Treating me like I’m only there to please you hurts my feelings, shows that you’re an loser and is also insanely immature. By texting me only when you need to get laid, I lose my attraction to you and stop being in the mood altogether.
- My life doesn’t revolve around you. I don’t exist to cater to your sexual needs, so stop acting like I do.
- I have a lot of awesome traits that exist outside of the bedroom, so why aren’t you interested in those? Seriously, this actually angers me when it happens to me. I have an awesome sense of humor, am smart as hell and have a killer personality. I read about cool things and watch cool videos. I even play interesting computer games. Are guys really so vapid that they can’t even be arsed to have a cerebral conversation once in a while?
- A lot of the time, I feel like I may have been led on by guys who do this. Don’t lie to me and tell me that you want a relationship or a friendship when all you want is to get laid. It’s not fair to me, and it’s not even that ethical. What if a girl lied to you about “waiting for marriage,” only to admit that she’s asexual after the wedding? In both situations, one party is getting a “bait and switch.”
- Guys who do this are never really that good in bed. It could be because you don’t actually give a crap about the other person’s experience, or it could be because your bloated ego can’t fit through the bedroom door. It’s hard to tell. Whatever the reason, I can’t help but think that guys who do this are showing a trademark sign of being a boring, selfish lay.
- In all my 28 years, I have yet to meet a guy who’s hot enough to actually get away with this. In other words, there isn’t a guy in the world who could make me put up with this garbage. No, not even that one.
- Actually just talking to me like a friend isn’t that much to ask. In fact, it’s common courtesy. Just a text, or actually talking about things isn’t too much effort.
- I don’t deserve this kind of disrespect. Actually, no one does.
- If you do this, you’re a player. And I definitely don’t have time for that BS.