Don’t Waste Your Time With A Man If He Won’t Do These 10 Things For You

Don’t Waste Your Time With A Man If He Won’t Do These 10 Things For You

Forget about making your man pay for meals and open up doors — there are far more important things that your boyfriend should do for you. After all, the little things are what make the biggest impact in your life. That’s why you shouldn’t waste your time with a guy, unless he does these 10 things for you:

  1. Goes down on you. If you can’t orgasm during penetrative sex, he has to get you off somehow. If going down on you is his only option, he should do so with his head held high. Well, as high as he can hold it while it’s between your legs.
  2. Buys you tampons. Your man is still a boy if he’s too terrified to listen to you talk about your period. That’s why he shouldn’t be afraid to put a box of tampons down for the cashier to see. Period sex shouldn’t be off limits, either.
  3. Deletes his Tinder account. If he takes you seriously, there’s no reason for him to continue swiping right for pretty girls. You should be the only girl in his life. If he “forgets” to delete his Tinder account, then you should “forget” to call him back.
  4. Writes out your birthday cards. Hallmark doesn’t cut it. If the only thing he’s writing inside of your birthday cards is who it’s to and from, he isn’t putting enough thought into the gift. He doesn’t need to create an epic poem about his burning hot love for you. He should just toss in a few words from his heart.
  5. Calls when he’s late. If he’s going to be late for a date, he should let you know in advance. The right man will never leave you waiting. You have better things to do than sit around and wait for him when he’s not going to show.
  6. Shows you off. He doesn’t have to post inappropriate pictures of you two on his Instagram. However, when he takes you to a party, he should be holding your hand and introducing you as his girlfriend. He should want everyone to know that the hottest woman in the room is with him.
  7. Gives you forehead kisses. Not every kiss should lead to sex. Instead of sucking on your neck and kissing up your thighs, he should give you a few pecks on your head and cheeks without expecting you to give him anything in return.
  8. Takes care of you. If you’re throwing up from partying too hard, he should hold your hair back. If you have the chills from the flu, he should make you soup. If he runs the other way whenever you’re feeling blue, then it proves you can’t count on him.
  9. Agrees to cliche couple activities. We’re all guilty of making fun of matching couple’s clothing and mushy photographs. Of course, once you enter a serious relationship, you’ll want to do all of those corny things together. Your man shouldn’t be a party pooper, because he should want to make you happy.
  10. Makes you feel like a better person. Your man should make you feel happier than ever before. In order to return that favor, you should want to try your hardest to become a better person, because you know he deserves to date the best.
Holly Riordan is a writer from Long Island, New York who has authored several science fiction and horror books. A graduate of Stony Brook University, she has spent nearly a decade writing for publications including Thought Catalog, Huffington Post, Teen Vogue, and more. You can find her on Instagram @hollyrio and Twitter @hollyyrio.