Amorous Duck Had To Be Castrated Due To ‘Traumatized’ Private Parts

Amorous Duck Had To Be Castrated Due To ‘Traumatized’ Private Parts

We all love sex, but most of us can focus on other things and have lives outside of the bedroom. Not Dave the Duck, however. The UK-based bird had to have his “traumatized” bits removed after he got a severe infection from too much lovemaking.

  1. Dave used to get down A LOT. According to Dave’s owner, Josh Watson of Torquay, Devon, Dave is a bit of a nymphomaniac and “mate with his female companions” Dora, Edith and Freda “between five and 10 times a day.” This was happening even when it wasn’t mating season, so you know Dave was a freak.
  2. The female ducks got a little tired of his advances. According to Josh, the female ducks would either start walking away or peck at his bits to get him to leave them alone. Damn, Dave!
  3. He paid the price. Dave’s amorousness led him to develop a “gangrenous” member. As Josh described, “The end of his penis had basically died and it was pretty horrific. It started not going in, and we’d give him a bath to keep it clean.” Yikes! Antibiotics just didn’t work in getting the infection under control and Dave’s condition got worse.
  4. Dave could have died. Because of Dave’s insatiable need to get laid, his bits actually prolapsed and went septic, which could have killed him if he didn’t get treated quickly. They had to lop it off to save his life. He can still pee as normal and doesn’t notice the difference – duck parts are only meant for lovin’.
  5. Dave’s OK, but he still wants to mate. He’s bounced back from the surgery really well and is nearly back to his old self, but because he still has that intense urge to mate, Josh has had to take him away from his lady friends for a while so he can fully recover. Take it easy, Dave.
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