Online shopping includes all the joys of buying new things without any of the hassles of putting on pants or interacting with society. It can help you save time, save money on gas, entertain you when you’re bored, or help heal a broken heart. If you are borderline addicted to online shopping, you know the inner turmoil of the 11 emotional stages of online shopping all too well. Internet shopping is an emotional roller coaster, and we’re always up for another ride.
- Curiosity. It starts out innocently enough. Maybe you are browsing for an upcoming event or clicked on a link for a store sale. There’s just so much content you can’t help but start clicking on different links…
- Desire. Your heart rate increases and your pupils dilate. You are lusting for so many things. Whether you are shopping for clothes, shoes, make up, or home décor, the effect is the same. You ride your shopping high as you add items to your online cart and picture yourself enjoying your new finds.
- Depression. Crap. You can’t afford any of this stuff. You feel overwhelmed with ickyness as you reluctantly remove items from your cart one by one.
- Anger. This isn’t fair! You work so hard and never get to splurge on yourself. Plus that girl you know just posted a pic of her new shoes on IG and you DEFFINETLY work harder than she does.
- Compromise. Ok MAYBE you can afford a thing or two. There’s a little room on your credit card plus they are having a sale AND you have a free shipping promo code. You can’t afford not to buy it.
- Excitement. Screw it. You’re splurging! Rock on.
- Commitment. You’ve added and removed items from your cart a dozen times and checked all your credit card balances. Now that you’ve entered your info, all that’s left to do is click the confirm button. At this stage, you’re positive you’re making a good decision and are ready to commit to your items.
- Panic! OHNOOHNOWHYDIDIDOTHAT! You can’t afford that and you don’t need it! What if something bad happens this pay period and you’ve spent all your money on mascara? Maybe there’s someone working their customer service hotline at 11 pm and you can cancel your order…
- Bargaining.It’s going to be OK. You’re going to make all your coffee at home this week and skip happy hour. Who needs grocery funds, anyway? Just live on pasta and potatoes and you’ll break even by the end of the month…
- Anxiety. Check your front stoop constantly to see if that package you ordered from Amazon 7 minutes ago is here yet. What if you miss the FedEx guy and someone steals your stuff? Or what if they leave a “Sorry we missed you” note and the try again date is DAYS LATER?? Why doesn’t this tracking code work yet!?
- Acceptance. Your box is here, your item is beautiful, and you haven’t had to declare bankruptcy while it was en route. Since you love it too much to consider returning it, you accept that what’s done is done and blissfully toss your next few credit card statements directly in the trash.