Failing At Romance Now Doesn’t Mean It’ll Never Happen

Failing At Romance Now Doesn’t Mean It’ll Never Happen ©iStock/Anouchka

It’s going to happen one day — you will find love. I’m not some scientific expert in love who can tell you the week or day, but I do know it’s not over just because you have some failed romances behind you. Like anything in life, you just need to keep trying until you succeed.

  1. You’ve broken up before. You’ve been through bad breakups before and found someone new. It’s a cycle. Eventually, that cycle ends with you finding someone who loves and respects you. For now, just know that breaking up means you’re free to find someone else.
  2. You’ve seen your friends make it. Your friends have been through that same frustrating cycle, yet somehow, man of them have coupled up. How? Maybe they did some naked dance under a half moon during a meteor shower. How the hell should I know? Just look at them and know that your time is coming, too.
  3. Not all guys are jerks. You could blame it all on the guys you’re dating and you might be right. When you’re dating one jerk after another, romance becomes one massive failure. Don’t worry, though. There’s more nice guys than jerks out there.
  4. 4. The perfect guy might not be your perfect match. You’ve met a guy who seemed perfect, but you just couldn’t mesh at all. This doesn’t make you a failure. A seemingly perfect man might not be the right match. When you do find the right guy, he’ll seem even more perfect.
  5. There’s no set time to fall in love. You had plans to fall in love, get married, and have kids by the time you were 30. Now you’re 29 and you’re freaking out. Stop pressuring yourself. I hate to point out the obvious, but there’s not time frame for love.
  6. You’re just not ready right now. Maybe the reason you keep failing is you’re not ready for forever right now. You’re busy paying off student loans or working your way up to a higher salary. You could still be trying to get over a bad breakup. You’re not a failure. You just need some time.
  7. Learn and try again. I’ve always liked the saying, “You only fail when you stop trying.” So, keep trying and you’ll never be a failure. Learn from each relationship and make the most of each new one.
  8. No one said dating was easy. Dating and love are so easy said no one ever. It’s hard to find someone. There are literally billions of people in the world. You’re trying to find one person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Dating’s hard, but the prize is worth it.
  9. Focus on other areas for now. Don’t look at it as a failure; look at it as time to work on other areas of your life. Go for that dream job or go back to school. Take a solo trip around the world. Who knows? You might just meet the right guy along the way.
  10. The other person is moving on and so should you. Look at your exes. I know it might be depressing, but see how many of them have happily moved on. Are some of them coupled up now? Stop with the pity party and follow their lead. If they can move on and find happiness, so can you.
  11. It’s not your fault. If you’re always busy blaming yourself, you’re probably going to stay single. It’s NOT your fault. Everyone’s been single at some point. The right person will love you for all your flaws. So if your exes hated something about you, that’s their problem, not yours.
  12. There’s nothing wrong with being single. Some people say “single” like it’s a bad word. It’s not. You should never be ashamed or feel like a failure for being single. It’s an exciting time and you should make the most of it. You’ll be part of a happy couple soon enough.
  13. You’ll love even stronger when it does happen. Something about all those supposed failures makes you able to love stronger and more passionately. Look at your past as preparation for your future. When you do find love, you’ll appreciate it and work even harder to keep it. See, you have a lot to look forward to, so don’t give up.
Crystal Crowder is a freelance writer and blogger. She's a tech geek at heart, but loves telling it like it is when it comes to love, beauty and style. She's enjoys writing music, poetry and fiction and curling up with a great book. You can find her on Twitter @ccrowderwrites or check out her other writing on Medium.