As if dating wasn’t hard enough, it’s even more complicated when you can’t figure out what men want. Just when you think you figure out one guy, you meet the next one and he’s the total opposite.
- Some guys like the chase; others claim they hate mind games. Some guys need a woman to play hard to get in order to like her more, and some guys have zero patience and find it annoying and game like when a woman visibly makes herself scarce just to bait further interest. It’s exhausting to hear conflicting advice’s on how women should behave because what might work with one guy won’t work on another.
- Some guys love to pick up the tab on a first date; others get mad if we don’t offer to go dutch. Not all guys like to pay on the first date or pick up the dinner check every single time. A lot of men actually like when a woman offers to pay her half because it shows she’s in control of her own life and isn’t looking for handouts. So whats a gal to do when the bill comes? We have literally no clue because some guys think that offering to go dutch means we’re not interested. Ugh, we can’t win.
- Some guys want us to be successful; others feel intimidated if we’re too successful. It’s been said before that guys don’t like successful women because we emasculate them and make them feel like they’re not needed. But on the other side, some guys absolutely love it when a boss babe is killing her career game. So should we talk about our successes with pride or shy away from them to avoid shrinking the guys balls? Which one is it?
- Some guys prefer uber feminine, submissive women; others get off on us taking control. Some guys like to make it a known fact that women who are soft and ladylike are the ones they’re going to settle down with and marry someday, and that women who are aggressive and more dominant in life are more unattractive and only good for the interim. Other guys think that the stronger and more confident women are sexy as hell. It’s really confusing, not to mention annoying, when some guys will shame us for being either too timid or too strong.
- Some guys will be scared off if we contact first; others won’t message you if you aren’t the first to reach out. Not all guys like to constantly make first contact. There’s no set of rules that for every five times he contacts us first, we reach out to him first once. This logic is super dated and really strips the fun out of dating. Where one guy might get scared off, another won’t bother to contact us if we don’t make the first move. Ugh.
- Some guys want to make the first move; others are tired of initiating. Sure, it’s always nice when a guy makes the first move and ends our anxiety of wondering if he’s really into us or not, but some guys actually are pretty shy themselves and like it when a woman takes the lead. It’s really hard to figure out whether we should take the lead or not out of fear that it could come across as too strong to a guy who prefers to make the first move. We’re not mind readers.
- Some guys want us to play the game; others are mature enough not to need them. Women are supposed to believe that we need to play a certain skillfully concocted set of manipulative games to get a guy to fall head over heels for us, but it’s actually not true at all. Guys aren’t all the same, as much as some might like to preach that they are. If he’s mature and has his act together, the games won’t be necessary.