Flirty Text Messages To Send A Guy To Make Him Want You

Flirty Text Messages To Send A Guy To Make Him Want You

In the age of dating apps, texting has become a powerful thing in the world of flirting. In fact, it sometimes feels like it’s the only thing. Apps like Tinder and Bumble have changed the landscape of dating and if you’re not bringing your A-game when it comes to composing messages to a guy you like, then you’re definitely missing out. Flirty text messages have become this digital age’s foreplay. Here are a few you can send to make a guy want you.

  1. “You drive me wild.” Nothing like a direct and honest text from you to keep him on your hook. Letting him know how excited he makes you feel not only makes him feel the hots for you, but it also boosts his ego. He’ll feel great about it and will definitely return the favor.
  2. “Can I call? I want to hear your voice.” This can be a good conversation starter. Texting is fun, but there’s nothing like an invitation to talk over the phone to get him giddy. The flirty text message is just the right balance of playful and authoritative that will make him want you even more.
  3. “Wanna Netflix and chill?” If you want to spice up your flirting game and take it to the next level, an invitation to come over to your place will definitely do it. I’m sure he knows what Netflix and chill means, and he’ll definitely be at your door in a second. If Netflix and chills feels too old-fashioned, you can always ask him to “come hang out.” Generally speaking, most guys know what you mean by this (especially if you’ve used it before).
  4. “It’s pretty cold tonight. Can you help keep me warm?” Body heat is still one of the best ways to stay warm, and you can definitely use it to wrap him around your finger. It’s flirty and scientific at the same time. Pretty convenient, eh? If it’s summer and this one won’t fly, you could always invite him over to save electricity and enjoy your AC. See how creative?
  5. “Guess what I’m wearing tonight…” Nothing like a good guessing game to make him get all hot and bothered and want you even more. You’re keeping things interesting and at the same time, making his imagination run wild. Obviously, you should either be wearing something hot (or nothing at all) or willing to make it off. Ending the game with “a stained t-shirt and old sweatpants” might be a bit of a letdown!
  6. “Talking to you is my favorite part of the day.” Flirty text messages like this make it known to him that you enjoy the daily playful banter. Your guy will definitely appreciate this and it’ll make him want to keep the conversation going. Hopefully he feels the same way about you too.
  7. “I can’t concentrate today because I kept thinking of you.” Telling a guy you’re thinking about them is another sure way to make him want you. It’s a short note that will definitely go a long way and make him feel supported. Not only that, but if he feels the same way about you and can’t get you out of his head, he’ll love knowing that he’s not alone in his feelings.
  8. “I can’t lie, I like you a lot.” A short flirty text like this is both honest and direct and packs a punch. You will catch him by surprise but you’re also showing your cards a bit and allowing yourself to be vulnerable. He’ll know that you’re not the shy type and will appreciate you even more for your honesty.
  9. “I just woke up and thought of you instantly.” A simple good morning text may be too boring at this point. A flirty text message will instantly wake him up on the right side of the bed. It’ll lift his spirits and will put him in a good mood for the rest of the day.
  10. “I can’t wait to see you again.” Whether you’re miles away from your guy or not, a flirty text telling them that you can’t wait to see him will put him in a good mood. He’ll know that you like being with him, and that could also give him the confidence to invite you over again very soon.
  11. “If you’re looking for a sign to make a move on me today, this is it.” Honesty is always a sure way to a man’s heart. Being direct to the point on what you want lets him wonder what other things you want to be in control of. Of course, you could also just make a move yourself if you wanted. It is 2022, after all!
  12. “A special weather forecast for you: tonight will have zero chance of rain and 100% chance of sexy.” Don’t be surprised if he drops everything he has to do for the day when he receives this text. Making him anxious while keeping things exciting through this flirty message will undoubtedly make him head over heels for you. At this point, it will be very clear to him that you’re always going to keep things thrilling and he’ll be craving for more. This will also likely make him laugh because it’s a little cheesy, but humor is a great way to a man’s heart too!
  13. “I can’t stop smiling and it’s all your fault.” Make him feel the butterflies for a change. Telling him that you can’t stop smiling because of him will surely have an effect on him. He knows you’re smitten by him and that will earn you a few brownie points. These things keep boosting his ego and he’ll surely stick around you for more.

Why flirty text messages are worth sending

  1. Whether you’re in the early stages of a connection with someone or you’ve been dating for a while, sending cute yet suggestive messages to someone is actually one of the best things you can do for your relationship. Here’s why you should give it a go.
  2. It’s so much less awkward. If you do want to try out a few pickup lines or say something that might be a little cringe-worthy even if it’s totally genuine, a flirty text is the way to do it. You can’t see his face and he can’t read your tone so if he doesn’t respond well, you can totally play it off as a joke and he won’t know any different. This is especially useful for those of us who are a bit shy or more reserved.
  3. It keeps you fresh in his mind. When you send a guy a flirty text, you push yourself right to the front of his brain (if you weren’t there already). Even if he has a lot going on and is super busy, getting a little message from you that’s lighthearted and suggestive will make sure he’s thinking about you for a long time.
  4. It shows him you’re still into him. As much as we want guys to chase us, we have to put in a bit of effort too and show our interest in return. Sending a flirty text message his way shows him that you really do like him and you’re interested and engaged. This should encourage him even further to open up to you and get closer.
  5. It builds excitement for the next time you’re together. People can’t and shouldn’t be together 24/7, but that doesn’t mean when you’re apart that you can’t get excited for your next hangout. Sending a guy a flirty text message or two will make sure he’s really looking forward to getting together again (not that you needed to remind him of that).
20-year-old something from somewhere in the tropics who's obsessed with skincare products, printed socks and soft cookies.