Florida Man Asked Cops To Test His Meth Because He Was Worried The Drugs Were Actually Bath Salts

Florida Man Asked Cops To Test His Meth Because He Was Worried The Drugs Were Actually Bath Salts

A Florida man dialed 911 to implore police to test the meth he bought as he worried his dealer had sold him bath salts instead. Thomas Colluci, 41, requested a sheriff be sent to his home in Spring Hill, a suburb of Tampa, to look into the purity of the drugs he’d purchased at a local bar. He’d used a bit of the substance but felt from the effects that he may not have a pure product on his hands. He ended up drugless and in cuffs by the end of the night.

  1. Colucci described himself to police as an experienced drug user. Because of that, he was sure he would “know what it should feel like” when he did meth. When he tried the product he bought from the random man at the bar, however, something felt different and he was obviously concerned for his health.
  2. He handed over two baggies full of a “crystalline substance” to authorities. In Colucci’s head, he legitimately believed that police would test the drugs and give them back. That obviously wasn’t how things went down, much to his disbelief.
  3. Colucci was looking out for other drug users. He told police that he didn’t want other customers to end up with “fake” meth from the man. Also, despite the fact that he didn’t have any contact info or even a name for the dealer, he said he wanted to “put the person in trouble” for selling narcotics.
  4. The product Colucci bought did indeed contain meth. The Hernando County Sheriff’s Office confirmed the presence of methamphetamines in the bags, which was bad news for Colucci after all as he was arrested on a felony drug possession charge as well as two misdemeanor drug paraphernalia charges. He was released from the county jail after posting $7,000 bail.
  5. This wasn’t Colucci’s first brush with the law. As per The Smoking Gun, Colucci was convicted in 2019 of slamming his SUV into another vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. As he drove away from the scene without stopping, he hit another vehicle that was getting gas and knocked the driver to the ground while injuring the passenger as well. He pleaded no contest to DUI and leaving the seen of an accident and was given a year of probation as well as an order to attend outpatient substance abuse treatment. Looks like that worked well!
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