With summer just around the corner, so too are afternoons at the beach or by the pool. When you head out to swim away your troubles and soak up the sun, why not take this Friends pool float with you so you can chill out on Monica’s front door and indulge in some classic TV nostalgia?
- Who wouldn’t want a pool float that looks like Monica’s front door? The float is the same purple as the original door and also contains a design featuring the infamous Friends picture frame that surrounds the peephole. Every time you get it out, you’ll be reminded of one of the best sitcoms ever.
- What better place to melt away your troubles? When you’re lounging on a Friends pool float, the stress-relieving effects of chilling poolside are only heightened. There’s literally nothing better than a hot summer’s day, drink in hand (or at least easy enough to reach), the sun high in the sky. How can you worry about anything at all? You can’t.
- We have Urban Outfitters to thank for this. Why no one thought of making a Friends pool float before is beyond me, but now that UO has done it, we don’t have to go without anymore. For $35, you can get this delivered to your door in just a few days so that you’re fully prepped for the minute it’s time to hit the pool.
- In the meantime, this is a great time to rewatch Friends in its entirety. I mean, it’s not like you can go much of anywhere else right now, so why not rewatch the show from the beginning? There are 10 full seasons to indulge in and that should last you a good long while – at least long enough for this whole nightmare to be over and the weather to be perfect for taking your pool float and getting out of the house again. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait.
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