9 Reasons Men Deserve the “Crazy” Label More Than We Do

9 Reasons Men Deserve the “Crazy” Label More Than We Do

[tps_header]9 Reasons Men Deserve the “Crazy” Label More Than We Do[/tps_header]

One of the most common ways men take women down is by labeling us  “crazy” — which is pretty funny when you think about it since men are the ones that make no sense. Here are some examples of men behaving erratically, inconsistently, and unreasonably which, if you ask us, is basically what it means to be a loon:

happy couple laughing sunglasses

Halle Kaye is the author of the insightful, inspirational and hilarious dating guide for women, "Maybe He's Just an Asshole: Ditch Denial, Embrace Your Worth, and Find True Love!"