This Garlic Bulb Cat Bed Will Give Your Pet The Ultimate Sleep Experience

Our pets are part of the family and we want them to be as comfortable as possible when they’re hanging around the house. After all, you wouldn’t like sleeping in an uncomfortable bed, so why would your pet? If you have a cat or other small animal, I feel like this garlic bulb pet bed* is the best thing ever. Not only is it super cushy, it’s adorable to boot!

  1. Most pets love to feel safe and enclosed. Many animals find comfort in being in an enclosed space since it makes them feel safe from any predators. That’s why this garlic bulb cat bed is so genius: one of the cloves folds down and your pet can climb on in.
  2. There’s even an adorable pink cushion inside. The cushion is removable and sits just inside the base of the bed. However, because you can take it out, it’s easy to wash if it gets a little less than fresh.
  3. If a garlic bulb cat bed sounds like something your pet would enjoy, you can order one online. Amazon has them for about $55 and they’re worth every penny. You can grab yours here – believe me, your pet will thank you!

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