Grandparents Arrested After Mom Discovers They Circumcised Her 3-Month-Old Son Without Permission

Grandparents Arrested After Mom Discovers They Circumcised Her 3-Month-Old Son Without Permission

Three people were arrested in Nottingham, England after a mother discovered that her three-month-old son had been circumcised without her permission or knowledge. The three suspects include a 61-year-old doctor as well as a 44-year-old man and a 47-year-old woman believed to be the baby’s paternal grandparents, BBC News reports.

  1. The baby’s mother only realized what happened after opening the baby’s diaper. The baby had been staying with the grandparents and when he returned home with his mother, she was horrified by what she saw when changing his diaper. “I opened the nappy and I ended up having to leave the room because I felt hysterical,” recalled the mother, who chose to remain anonymous. “It was just awful really, it wasn’t very nice, there was all blood there and stuff.”
  2. The incident took place in 2013 and the mother fought for years to get justice. The baby boy was circumcised in July 2013 and the mother fought for years to get justice. She sought the help of both social services and the Nottinghamshire Police in 2014, though they ultimately decided after an investigation that no crime had taken place. It wasn’t until she teamed up with the anti-circumcision group Men Do Complain and leading human rights lawyer Saimo Chahal QC that things began to change.
  3. The mother believes this was a case of MGM, or male genital mutilation. “It’s even illegal to dock dogs’ tails. I’ve come home crying my eyes out thinking a dog has got more rights than my child,” she said.  “There’s something seriously not right with it all. You can protect a dog, you can protect a girl, but not a boy.”
  4. The suspects were finally arrested in June 2017. All three were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm, though it’s unclear what became of the case and whether or not charges proceeded against the grandparents. However, the doctor in question, Dr Balvinder Mehat, was suspended for a month.
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