There’s no excuse for snooping through your partner’s phone regardless of what suspicions you may have. However, people do it, and as a new study has uncovered, men are guiltier of this behavior more than women.
- The study comes courtesy of Mobile Phone Checker. The UK-based cell phone outlet surveyed 2,081 adults, all of whom reported currently being in a relationship, to uncover more about their cell phone habits. The results were shocking, to say the least.
- Men are twice as likely as women to snoop through their partner’s phone. A whopping 62% of men admitted going through their partner’s phone in comparison to only 34% of women, meaning that guys are twice as likely to engage in the behavior (or at least twice as willing to admit it).
- It all comes down to insecurity. Unsurprisingly, most participants who admitted snooping said they did so was that they wanted to ensure their partner wasn’t being unfaithful. In fact, 89% of people admitted that this was their motivation. Of that 89%, about 48% claimed that they found the evidence they were looking for.
- Women are still more likely to talk about what they find. According to the survey, while men are more likely to do the snooping, women are the ones who are more likely to actually bring it up in conversation. More than half of female respondents—59% to be specific—said they’d talk to their partner about what they found on their S.O.’s phone while only 37% of men were willing to communicate about it. No surprises there.
- In the end, snooping can end a relationship. Of the 2,081 people surveyed, 31% of people said they’d end a relationship over something they found on their S.O.’s phone. If there was evidence of cheating, this is pretty unsurprising, but it may come as a shock to the other person who thought they were being slick!
[H/T Huffington Post]