When someone passes away, that’s generally not a cause for celebration. However, an Idaho woman named Holly Blair has been dubbed a “freaking legend” for her incredibly detailed and downright badass obituary, convincing everyone who’s read it that she was basically the best. Whoever wrote this sendoff deserves all the awards!
- First of all, Holly’s photo is incredible. The best obituary ever published appeared in The Idaho Express after Holly passed away on August 17. While there’s no doubt that her family and friends will miss her dearly, they also chose to celebrate her life not only with some incredible words but with an amazing photo of the lady herself in a witch’s hat.
- She apparently “exploded into glitter and bats.” The obituary describes Holly as a “wicked witch” and said that rather than dying, she “exploded into glitter and bats.” She also had some pretty intense plans for the afterlife that should keep her busy for some time, including “drinking beer with Terry Pratchett” and “flying across the moon on her broomstick on Halloween.” Sounds fun, I want to join! (Only… not yet!)
- Holly was an animal lover too. “She is survived by four spoiled cats, two stinky dogs, three bad birds, a turtle and an utterly useless frog named Fred, as well as three children and a husband of little to no importance,” the hilarious obituary continued. Sounds like she had the best sense of humor ever too!
- But wait, it gets better! “Her remains will be interred under a tree with the ridiculous multitude of animals she rescued, both wild and domestic,” it said. “Her future plans include drinking beer with Terry Pratchett and flying across the moon on her broomstick on Halloween. She has also promised to communicate with us from the beyond via the cockatiel psyche.”
- If you want to honor her, you can do so pretty easily. “We ask that everyone carve extra jack-o’-lanterns on Halloween this year in her honor,” the obituary requested. Hey, that’s the least we can all do!