Why Is It So Hard To Find A Guy Who Has His Act Together?

If you’re starting to wonder why it seems impossible to find a well-rounded guy who actually has his life in order, you’re not alone. A lot of guys these days are just plain lazy when it comes to being proactive and building lives that would make them great boyfriends and just mature, functional, grown-ass men — so what gives?

  1. It’s hard to find a guy with a stable career. Millennials in the job market are having a tough time for sure given that the economy is in a bad place, but it seems like so many guys are way too content to hop from one menial job to another and aren’t concerned with making their situations better. They don’t have the same ambition to move up the career ladder because that would require too much time and actual effort. A lot of guys are just fine with just the bare minimum, which is pretty disheartening.
  2. Ambition is sorely lacking. Guys are getting inherently even more simplistic when it comes to what they want and need out of life. They don’t have the same desire to have a good education and instead opt for any decent job that will pay their bachelor lifestyle bills. As long as there’s meat on the plate and beer in the fridge, they’re pretty darn happy. Some guys are a work in progress and can be motivated by relationships, and others are just too damn lazy to give a crap.
  3. Some guys are just looking for a replacement mother. There are some guys who left the nest early and got their act together at a young age — those are the guys rocking life right now. Unfortunately, too many others start to figure it out pretty late in the game, which makes it hard for those of us with our act together because we don’t want to pick up too much of their slack and sacrifice our own life progress. We don’t want to be mothers to our men, we want to be partners.
  4. Some guys will never escape their party frat boy lifestyle. Some guys can’t seem to leave their college partying days behind and are still hitting up bars and throwing keggers and sleeping with any woman they can get into bed. What grown ass woman wants a guy like that? Gross.
  5. It’s scientifically proven that women mature faster than most men. We technically knew this was coming, ladies. We always knew we were smarter and wiser, and when you get to the adult part of life, it becomes more and more clear just who seems to have their act together more. Women are generally far more organized, self-sufficient and have more desire to mature, whereas a lot of single guys are happy eating the nachos they sell at the gas station for dinner.
  6. Sex is far too easy to get, which results in lazy ass behavior. Guys aren’t trying as hard these days to lock a woman down and get themselves into marriages or long-term commitment for the simple fact that they don’t have to. With online dating and so many social media platforms out there, it’s easier than ever for guys to find someone to share their bed with for a night or two. As far as sharing anything else goes, especially a relationship, no dice.
  7. A lot of guys still feel entitled when it comes to women. There are still some guys out there who think we should be their submissive servants, cooking them dinner and raising their kids. It’s 1950s thinking that just hasn’t been upgraded in part of the male population and it’s totally infuriating. It’s complete BS, but it’s also just another fact of why finding a decent guy is just so hard these days.
  8. We’re letting it happen by not speaking up. We kind of let this nonsense slide in many ways because we don’t demand what we deserve for the sake of “keeping the peace.” We don’t push men to be the best they can be — sometimes we’re willing to accept the mediocre crap they have to offer us because it’s just nice not to be alone. That’s ridiculous! Being on our own would be way better than being with a guy who half-asses everything he does and will never be an equal partner.
  9. Guys feel emasculated by women who have more going for us than they do. It’s no surprise that a lot of us get looked over when we have our act together and are completely dominating our own lives. Guys like to feel like the providers and when they feel like they have nothing to provide us because we’re doing it all ourselves, they feel useless or less compelled to take a chance. They’re equally as afraid of rejection as we are.
  10. Some guys can’t move the hell on from their last relationship. Last but not least, it’s hard to find a guy who has his act together on an emotional level sometimes, as well. There are a lot of guys who carry their relationship baggage forward into every dating experience but they don’t even realize they’re doing it. You’re left bewildered and wondering where the hell things went wrong, when really, he just didn’t really have his act together to begin with.