How Do I Tell If He Loves Me? Things He’ll Do If His Feelings Run Deep

How do I tell if he loves me? It’s a question that’s wracked all of our brains at some point. If you’re in a relationship, this may even be going through your mind right now. Perhaps you’ve been with him for a while, but he’s giving you mixed signals or you’re just not sure what to look for. Well, there are certain things he’ll do if he does love you. Keep reading to learn more.
  1. He talks to you consistently. If you can’t tell if he loves you, look for this sign. If he does, he’ll want to know more about you. And what better way to know what someone’s day was like or how they’re doing than to talk to them? Even if he has a busy schedule, he’ll make the time to talk. It may be something as small as a short text, but he’ll find a way to show you that he’s interested.
  2. He introduces you to his friends and family. Did he introduce you to his parents or siblings? How about to his friends? If he did, you can bet that his feelings for you are strong. A man who loves you is proud to show you off to the people closest to him. He’ll also want you to feel included in his life.
  3. He values emotional intimacy over physical intimacy. Of course, physical intimacy is important in a relationship. But, emotional intimacy is just as important, if not more important. A man who loves you will value emotional intimacy. He’ll want to have deep talks with you and he’ll try his best to understand you.
  4. He embraces your flaws. We all have flaws, but what’s important is whether or not your partner embraces and accepts your flaws. If a man really loves you, he’ll adore all of you–flaws and all. He’ll understand that it’s your flaws that make you a unique person.
  5. He does nice things for you. If you’re asking yourself “how do I tell if he loves me?” notice that he doesn’t just say it — he shows it too. He may show it with a big gesture, such as planning a romantic weekend getaway or with a smaller gesture, such as a massage or cooking your favorite meal. Whatever it is that he does for you, he’s doing it straight from the heart and it shouldn’t go unnoticed.
  6. He makes plans for the future with you. If a man loves you, he’ll want you to stick around for the rest of his life. Naturally then, he’ll think of you when he makes plans for the future. He’ll ask you about getting married, having kids, moving in together and all the other goals he has for his life with you. When figuring out how to tell if he loves you, look for this sign.

More ways to tell he loves you

how do i tell he loves me

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  1. He makes an effort to fix problems in the relationship. This is one of the easiest ways to tell if he loves you. A guy who truly cares won’t run away at the first sign of a problem in your relationship. Instead, he’ll make an effort to fix it–whether that’s by talking it through or changing his behavior for the better.
  2. He supports your dreams. Whether you’re applying for your dream job or running a marathon, a man who loves you is there to cheer you on. He definitely won’t ever discourage you from pursuing something that you want to do. He truly believes in you and gives you a confidence boost when you need it.
  3. He stands up for you. No matter what you’ve done (as long as it isn’t something to intentionally hurt him), a man who loves you will always have your back. He’ll defend you and put in a good word whenever possible. He’ll never criticize you in public, although he may tell you like it is when you’re together in private.
  4. He treats you with respect. Respect and love simply go together. If your man demonstrates respect for you (including your choices, your time, your body etc.), this may be a sign that he truly loves you. A man can show respect in a variety of ways. For example, listening to you when you’re speaking.
  5. He keeps his promises. We tend to make a lot of promises to our partners, whether they be big or small. Maybe your man promised you he would plan your next days together, or that he would take out the trash when he gets home. A man who loves you will keep his word and follow through on his promises. He’ll know that his promises to you mean something.
  6. He doesn’t try to change you. If a man loves you, he’ll embrace every aspect of your personality and won’t try to change you. We all have our quirks, flaws, and ways of doing things. A man who loves you will allow you to simply be. He may still encourage you to be a better person or address certain concerns with you, but he won’t actively try to change you into someone you’re not.
Selena Singh-Russell is a freelance writer and former junior editor. She enjoys writing on a variety of topics, including health, travel and entertainment. She has been published on TheRichest, TheThings, Monsters & Critics, and in Chicken Soup for the Soul. When she isn't writing, you can catch her exploring new cities or baking.