8 Easy Ways To Seem Like You Have It Together Even When You Really Don’t

Most people don’t have it together all the time. If they seem like they do, it’s because they’re really good at making it look like they are. Sometimes in life we just have to fake it until we make it, so if you’re struggling, here’s how to be the picture of having your life in order even when you feel like a hot mess.

  1. Respond to work and personal messages in a timely manner. If you take forever to reply to work emails or to your friends and family, you’ll come across like you’re unorganized and perhaps overextended. Replying to messages promptly takes little effort with the many easy, quick ways we can use to communicate and it makes a big difference to how people perceive you.
  2. Have a signature look that you love and stick to it. This look doesn’t have to be what’s considered “in trend” at the moment. In fact, it’s actually better if it’s not. Having a signature style that’s completely you and that you rock every day gives you the aura of someone who has it all together. Spend your money on classic pieces that work with your look and are timeless rather than insignificant trendy items that you’ll only wear a few times. You’ll save money, but having a defined, personal style will make you look like a million bucks.
  3. Keep a few emergency essentials in your bag just in case. What you need may differ from person to person, but you should include sunglasses, deodorant, mouthwash, tampons/pads, concealer, and mascara, as well as makeup-removing wipes, a small hairbrush,  and hair ties. That way, if you have a beauty emergency during the day, you’ll be able to fix it effortlessly—and if anyone else has one, you’ll have supplies with you to help them too.
  4. Be on time and be reliable. One of the main things people do that makes them come off as scattered and like they don’t have their act together is when they’re constantly late and/or canceling plans last minute (or just not showing up at all). Try leaving 10 minutes earlier than normal if you have an issue with being late and don’t overbook your schedule so you’re not tempted to back out when you realized how overwhelmed you are. Being on time as often as possible and not flaking on plans is paramount.
  5. Send cards in the mail when someone does something you appreciate. Like, the actual mail, not email. It’s a simple gesture that only takes a little extra effort to do but it makes a big difference and impact on the way you come across as to others. You will make a lasting imprint on the recipient of your card and you’ll come across like you’re organized, thoughtful, and on top of it all.
  6. Stop complaining about everything, especially the little, insignificant things. We all need to blow off steam and vent from time to time, but if you’re one of those people who’s constantly complaining about every little thing that happens to you, you’ll come off as a complete mess. Instead of complaining, keep it to yourself even if you’re annoyed or stressed. If you use the time you would spend complaining to actually find a solution or deal with the problem, you’ll be helping yourself in the long run and you’ll also appear like you’re in control of your life.
  7. Write everything down in a planner or put it in your phone. Some people do better with a physical planner and others prefer to use an electronic calendar. Figure out which one works best for you and make sure you input everything from plans and appointments to to-do lists and friends’ birthdays. Being forgetful is a surefire way to come across like you really don’t have your act together. Remembering things makes you look collected and organized, even when you feel you’re anything but.
  8. Most importantly, don’t sweat the small stuff. Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize and don’t feel like you have to explain why you decide which things are the most important to you and in your life. Don’t freak out or lose it when something doesn’t go according to plan, you spill red wine on your white shirt mid-day, or you forget something you meant to grab at home. It won’t matter how put-together you look if you completely unravel over the slightest hiccup or change in plans. Being flexible and able to problem-solve in real time is one of the best ways to seem like you’ve got it all together, even if you’re just winging it.
Kerry is a freelance writer from Boston, Massachusetts who now lives in the Sunshine State with the love of her life and her 15 month old daughter. She writes frequently about her personal experiences (find more of her work on www.followmetogetlost.wordpress.com). She has an Etsy shop with cute items: https://www.etsy.com/shop/FollowMeToGetLostWhen she's not writing, she loves to spend time outside, at the beach, and with her family.