How You Can Tell He’s Really Into You Or Just BS-ing You

There are a lot of guys out there who will try to con you into falling for them. It’s a sad, sick little game, but unfortunately, way too many people still play it. If you want a guy who’s the real deal, you have to learn how to tell that he’s a good, authentic person. Here are a few tips for spotting a quality dude out there:

  1. He has an honest and open face. You really can tell a lot about a guy just by looking at him. If you pay attention, you’ll definitely notice whether he’s genuine or not. If he is, it’ll shine right through his eyes and his smile. Any time you’re with him, you’ll feel at ease because you know he’s presenting himself exactly as he is. It’s refreshing, and sadly, quite rare.
  2. He takes an active interest in getting to know you. He doesn’t just ask you questions to look like he gives a damn. He doesn’t monopolize the conversation talking about himself constantly either. He cares about getting to know the deep-down, nitty-gritty parts of you. He wants to know everything — the good, the bad, and the ugly. Even better, you feel totally comfortable sharing with him.
  3. He’s truthful even when it’s awkward. Sometimes the truth gets really weird and it feels much easier to avoid it or tell little white lies. He knows that is no way to start a relationship with someone and he has the bravery to face the uncomfortable moments head on. He’d rather feel a bit strange than tell you anything other than the absolute truth. It would make him feel too guilty.
  4. He isn’t focused entirely on sex. Of course he’s attracted to you — if the two of you had no physical chemistry, there would be no point. The difference is that it’s not his end goal. He’s not pulling out every tactic and trick in the book to get you to bed only to get bored and ghost you afterward. He doesn’t pretend he’s into you just so he can get in your pants. He’s perfectly happy simply to spend time with you and get to know you better — he’s interested in every aspect of you.
  5. He wants to learn how to make you happy. This is a sure sign that he’s the real deal. If he was trying to play you, he wouldn’t give a damn about what will keep you consistently happy. He would take what he wants and run away. If he’s taking the initiative to find out what you want from a relationship and then provide that to you, he’s a keeper. This goes for all your needs — sexual, emotional, mental, everything.
  6. He treats other people with kindness and respect — not just you. A surefire way of finding out if someone is a decent person is to observe how he operates out in the world. If he’s a great guy to everyone, not just you, that’s the best sign in the world that he’s the kind of man you want to date. If he respects and values the people in his life, he’ll probably do the same for you. You can take pride in being with an upstanding guy like him.
  7. He admits to and embraces his flaws. He’s not pretending to be perfect — he knows that’s impossible and that trying to convince you that he is will only make you suspicious. In turn, he does not expect any kind of perfection from you. All he asks is that you’re truthful and open with him so that he can be the same back. It’s lovely to be able to let your guard down with him and just be your most authentic self.
  8. He never judges you or makes you feel insecure. He’s so sweet and genuine that he would never dream of causing you hurt or making you feel bad about yourself. He wants to do the exact opposite! He’s not trying to manipulate you into being with him. He wants you to choose him, free of any baggage or expectation. He thinks the world of you and considers himself damn lucky to be in your good graces.
  9. He loves to make you laugh. Nothing gives a genuinely good guy more joy than putting a smile on your face. If you’re happy, he’s happy. It’s that simple. It doesn’t need to be complicated or twisted. There’s no power dynamic in play — he wants to be your equal partner in everything, especially blissfulness. The two of you have a ton of fun together because you’re comfortable sharing your silly sides.
  10. He goes out of his way for you. Not only does he do it, he doesn’t make a big deal out of it. It actually doesn’t occur to him not to be as sweet and helpful as he can. It’s his nature to be as good as possible to those around him, especially the people who matter most in his life. If he was full of it, he’d never take the time and energy to go the extra mile just to make sure you’re happy.
  11. He pays attention to the little things. Not only does he make an effort, he also recalls the stuff that really matters to you. He notices details and remembers what you do and do not like. He does his best not to continue any behavior that bothers or upsets you. He’s very into open communication and dialogue so that the two of you can move forward in a healthy way. This is how you know he wants you around for a long time to come.
A former actress who has always loved the art of the written word, Amy is excited to be here sharing her stories! She just completed her first novel, and is also a contributor for Elite Daily, Dirty & Thirty, and Thought Catalog. Amy is the founder of What If Journey and can be found on Twitter @amyhorton18. You can also visit her website at