How To Finally Be Happy Being Single Instead Of Hating It

You’re single and everyone acts like it’s so awesome, but sometimes it’s depressing as hell — especially when all your friends are coupled up or you’re craving company in the form of a supportive, amazing romantic partner. However, you don’t have to let this get you down. It’s time to reset your attitude and shift your perspective. Here’s how to be happy being single and make the most of it.

  1. Book your dream vacation. Where in the world would you like to go? You definitely don’t need a partner to enjoy yourself and visit places that have been on your bucket list forever. What’s great about traveling solo is that you don’t have to sync your schedule with someone else and you can go anywhere you want. It’s easy to be happy being single when you realize how much of the world there is to experience even without a partner.
  2. Learn something new. While it sounds cliche to say you should use your single time to learn new activities and skills, this should also be a way to have more fun. “Get involved in some activities that foster fun and learning; learn to dance, play a musical instrument, or paint,” suggests Rachna Buxani-Mirpuri, owner of Buxani Counseling Care. When you keep your mind and body busy, you’ll spend less time feeling down about not being coupled up and will find it much easier to be happy being single.
  3. Get out of the rut. It’s easy to fall into a rut and do the same things over and over again. But now that you’re single, it’s the perfect time to challenge yourself and try different activities. While you’re at it, see new places and meet new people. This will bring more excitement into your life. As a bonus, you might make some new single friends.
  4. Be grateful you’re not in a toxic relationship. It’s easy to assume that everyone who’s in a relationship is happy and loving life, but this isn’t true. Similarly, not everyone who’s single is depressed AF. So, keep some perspective. Remind yourself that lots of people who are in relationships are unhappy right now, like the women who are stuck with toxic husbands or boyfriends. Ugh, you’re lucky not to be one of them.
  5. Look after yourself. Being single is the perfect opportunity to work on, and love, yourself. Stick to a fitness routine, start a healthier eating plan, and focus on some goals you’d love to achieve. “Being single often encourages a person to look inward and take better care of themselves mentally and physically, since they’re not navigating between their own needs and those of their partner,” as relationship expert Babita Spinelli says.
  6. Connect with yourself. Being independent and focusing on your needs is essential when you’re single. You’ll feel empowered by looking out for yourself and doing what you need in the moment. As Dr. Niloo Darshati, psychologist and relationship expert, tells Time, “People say a lot of times, when they’re in relationships, that they’ve lost themselves. And that’s largely because we stop doing things independently.”
  7. Drop everything and go. When you’re in a committed relationship, you can’t be as spontaneous as when you’re single. This is one of the reasons why some women in relationships are riddled with jealousy over their single friends’ lives. If you want to party all night long, go ahead. Ditto for if you feel like checking out a new restaurant across town or staying in bed and reading all weekend. You don’t have to answer to anyone.
  1. Be open to new social connections. Being single means you’re not in a relationship, but it doesn’t have to mean that you’re alone. “Being brave enough to be alone frees you up to invite people into your life because you want them and not because you need them,” writes best-selling author Mandy Hale.
  2. Commit to a passion. If you’re passionate about something, spend your energy and free time pursuing it wholeheartedly. Maybe you want to start a business or you’re keen to write a book. Don’t waste another moment! I guarantee that when you get distracted by an amazing relationship that lands in your life, you’re going to kick yourself for all the time you had to yourself that you wasted.
  3. Adopt a pet. Honestly, there’s nothing better than the love of a pet, whether you love dogs or cats. Our furry friends make us feel less alone and more loved. “Pets can increase our dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin levels,” says counselor Dr. Larena Davis. This is amazing if you consider that oxytocin is linked to developing bonds with others. Just make sure you adopt instead of shop to really spread the love.
  4. Redefine relationships. There’s love all around you. It might not be in the form of a romantic relationship RN, but you have love from your friends, people in your community, and yourself. “For me, it’s been helpful to recognize that I do in fact have a relationship with myself and to broaden my definition of relationships beyond ‘romantic partners’ and even beyond platonic friendships,” writes advice columnist John Paul Brammer. So true!
  5. Splurge on yourself! If you’re single, you’re probably better off financially. A study found that 21% of singles have credit card debt, but 27% of married couples without children are in debt, and 36% of married couples with children are in debt. See, you’re better off? What are you going to do with your extra cash? Do something for yourself!
  6. Don’t believe the dating happiness myth. You can feel happier right now just by no longer thinking that you have to be in a relationship to be happy. This “not only makes it harder to find love, but it also sets you up for unhappiness,” writes author Jennifer Taitz in her book, “How To Be Single and Happy.” She adds, “Letting go of the maddening myth that happiness comes from coupling up is the first step to freedom.”
Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.