When you first start dating a guy, you want to beguile them without coming on too strong. How do you do that? Is it really possible to balance creating plenty of intrigue without showing your cards too soon? It is, but it means being thoughtful about how you manage the situation and not letting the excitement of a possible new relationship overwhelm you. Here’s how to be mysterious in love, at least for a little while.
- Leave some things to his imagination. Getting flirty in person or via text can be a lot of fun and really build up the sexual tension, but you don’t have to go all the way and say every last thing that’s on your mind. In order to be mysterious, you should hint at what’s on your mind and what you’re thinking about without spelling it out word for word. Let him imagine what’s in your head and see how much excitement it leads to.
- Don’t always be available when he reaches out. If he’s really into you, he’ll make it a priority to get in touch with you regularly. That’s sweet and bodes well for a future relationship, but it also doesn’t mean you have to be at his beck and call from the get-go. If you want to be (or at least seem) mysterious, don’t always jump the second he messages you or asks you to hang out. I’m not saying to play games and pretend you don’t want to see him when you do, just keep things nice and chill. After all, you have a busy, full life anyway, right? This shouldn’t be that hard.
- Reveal yourself and your life to him layer by layer. When you really connect with a guy, the overwhelming urge to basically spill your guts and reveal your life story can be overwhelming. Resist the urge. Instead, let him get to know you and the things that make you who you are little by little. Make him work to uncover all the special things that have created the woman he wants to date.
- Don’t settle into too much of a schedule. This is one of the easiest ways to be mysterious. Be spontaneous! If he thinks you always go to the gym on a Saturday or you eat at the same pizza place every Friday night, switch things up. Never become too routine, but instead keep things interesting by switching it up every now and then.
- Listen more than you speak. At the end of the day, the best way to create a little mystery is to talk a bit less than you speak. You don’t always need to be talking and in fact, listening can help you get to know him even better.