Believe it or not, it’s possible to really enjoy dating without knowing what your end goal is. You don’t need to know if you want a fling, a long-term relationship, or to find “the one” and you shouldn’t feel pressured to go into dating with it all figured out. Here are 12 ways to make dating work for you even if you’re clueless:
- Don’t stress out about it. So, maybe all of the rest of your girls are coupled up and super serious, but that doesn’t mean your life needs to follow the same course. Don’t let everyone else’s stuff bring you down.
- Don’t rush. We hear all of the time how high divorce rates are… so it’s probably better that you don’t go racing to the alter if you aren’t ready.
- Don’t give in. Sometimes we can be pushovers in relationships. We give it up too easily, let guys cheat on us, etc. This is serious BS and we need to stand up for ourselves. Don’t be pressured to do anything that doesn’t make you completely happy.
- Take a loss. Heartbreak blows, but it happens to all of us. Sometimes we just have to accept defeat and remember that something (or someone!) else is always around the corner.
- Let it go. If he doesn’t want you, then screw him! Don’t give him the satisfaction of making you cry, causing sleepless nights or endless hours of social media stalking. Instead, grab the girls and go toast to new beginnings.
- Change your mind. As often as you want. Really. Forever is a long time to spend with someone and if it doesn’t feel right or it is moving too fast, don’t be afraid to change your mind. It’s better to trust your gut than pick up a zillion pieces later.
- Go with the flow. You can’t control everything in life, and you definitely cant control other people. Its OK if you don’t know what you want from him, but if you like where he’s taking it, then just go with it.
- Just do you. If the dating scene isn’t doing it for you right now, then take a little break and just focus on you. We get so hung up on what we think we should be doing that we forget that at the end of the day, what we should be doing is making ourselves happy.
- Date as many men as you want. How did you know you liked pistachio ice cream but not cake batter? You tasted them — sometimes more than once to make sure you still felt the same way.
- Speak up for yourself frequently. You’ll never get what you want or even figure out what you want if you always silence yourself. Make decisions, say you don’t like something if you don’t, and don’t be afraid. Men are way bigger babies than women, anyway.
- Have fun. If you aren’t having a good time, something’s wrong. Save the misery for years down the road when bills need to be paid and babies need to be changed (ah, the beauties of marriage). Right now, you need to enjoy yourself and find someone or someones that you enjoy being with. If you don’t like it, don’t freakin’ do it!
- Be real. So long as you’re upfront with the guy you’re dating and honest with yourself, you’ll eventually figure out exactly what you want. Hell, it might even be exactly where you are right now. Just be real and it’ll all fall into place.