If there were a pill we could take to make our crushes like us, everyone on the planet would have one. Sadly, there is no magic pill that can automatically make a boy like you. There’s just no guaranteed way to make it happen. Sometimes the chemistry just isn’t there and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. That said, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of a boy falling for you if the chemistry is already there. Read on to learn about them!
- Let your personality shine. The only way to get someone to like you for you is to be yourself. Let your personality shine. Don’t hide the things that make you unique, and embrace your weirdness. If you’re too scared to be yourself, think of all the people who love you for who you are. When someone is worth it, they will understand and appreciate the real you. While you might win a guy over by being fake, you won’t actually achieve what you want because he won’t like you for you.
- Take an interest in his hobbies. You can be yourself and still explore new hobbies! It’s easier to get a guy to like you if you develop an interest in the things he’s interested in. Firstly, you’ll actually have things to talk about. Secondly, you might find more opportunities to see him. If you both like the same music, for example, maybe you’ll run into each other at the same concert. When a guy sees that you like the same things he does, he may feel that you’re more compatible with him.
- Become friends with his friends. Most of us care what our friends think. So getting in good with the friends is an effective way to make them like you. If you become friends with his friends, they might talk about you in front of him. He could become curious about you. Or they might even try and set you up. Either way, a guy is more likely to be open to falling for someone who already gets along with his nearest and dearest.
- Praise him. Who doesn’t love a compliment? Flattery goes a long way when you’re trying to reach someone’s heart. It might not work miracles, but complimenting your crush can improve the chances of him falling for you. If you do this, he’ll associate you with positive emotions, like pride and confidence. Don’t go overboard with the praise. But if you compliment him often, he’s likely to keep associating you with those positive feelings.
- Make him laugh. Laughter is key in any relationship. When two people laugh together frequently, they form a connection. If you can make him laugh, he might fall for your sense of humor. Or he might start to like the way he feels in your presence. Chances are he’ll realize how much fun you are to be around, and perhaps he’ll want to see more of you. You could tell a joke, make a funny comment, or even share something that will make him laugh, like a meme or TikTok reel. Then you really won’t have to do any work!
- Feel good about how you look. Cosmopolitan explains that the best thing you can do when you want someone to like you is like yourself. You have to boost your confidence and feel good about how you look and who you are. Even though you don’t have to go to a lot of effort, do take the time to work on how you feel about yourself. If you feel like you need new clothes or a makeover, get them. Because if you can see how much of a catch you are, it’s more likely that others will too.
- Share your passions with him. Research shows that we are more attractive when we’re talking about our passions. Sharing details about things we love makes us light up, which can help people to fall for us. So don’t be afraid to share your passions with him. If there’s something that puts a big smile on your face, talk about it!
- Be flirty but stay out of reach. Flirting can work wonders in getting a guy to see you in a romantic way, and falling for you. But at the same time, try to stay just out of reach. This will increase your appeal. Sometimes guys can be turned off if they don’t feel challenged enough, so flirt without making yourself overly available. In other words, try not to give off vibes that you’re desperate.
- Touch him. According to Vixen Daily, one of the most effective ways to get a guy to like you is to make body contact. Lightly graze his arm or stand close to him. Obviously you don’t want to infringe on his personal space if it makes him uncomfortable. But making slight body contact can ignite romantic feelings within him.
Things to remember if you’re not getting the response you want from him
Even if you do all the right things and it’s blatantly obvious that you’re an amazing catch, that may not be enough to get a boy to like you. That doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you or that you’re somehow unworthy of him. However, it is worthwhile to keep the following things in mind.
- He may not even be worth your time. You’ve built this boy up in your head because you’re so into him, but how much do you actually know about him? It’s quite possible that you’ve been focusing so much on getting him to like you that you haven’t even considered that you might not even like him all that much when it comes down to it. Forget about how he feels – how do you feel? With a little reflection, you might even realize that you’re not all that into him anyway.
- There’s nothing wrong with you. Just because a guy you like doesn’t like you back doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you in any way. You’re still smart, funny, ambitious, friendly, and a million other positive adjectives. Just because he doesn’t recognize them or appreciate them doesn’t make them any less true.
- You shouldn’t have to go to such extreme lengths to get his attention. Of course you need to make an effort when you like someone and want them to see all the good parts of you, but there’s a limit to this. If you’re bending over backward and basically spending all your time obsessing over ways to get him to be into you, you need to stop immediately.
- He’s either clueless or not interested. This is the bottom line. If you’ve shown your interest, displayed your best qualities, and really put yourself out there but you’re not getting anything in return, that’s the end of things. It’s time to accept that he’s not the right one for you and move on.