There are certain ways of getting a guy to pursue you, it just takes a little strategic thinking. You’ll need to do a little ego-stroking and ensure that you’re not going overboard with it, but it doesn’t actually take that much effort. Here’s how to get ahead in a relationship and get a guy to chase you. The best part is, no games are required.
- Be confident. Is there anything more attractive in a man than confidence? The assertion that he knows what he’s doing? This isn’t the same as aggression or toxic masculinity. In fact, there’s such a strong, authentic personality implied by a man who knows how to take care of himself. Whether your confidence comes through grooming, or just in the way you carry yourself, there are ways you can get the opposite sex’s attention. It shows them that you know what you’re doing and they will learn all manner of things from you. You can see the appeal, can’t you? If you want to know how to get a guy to chase you, this is at the top of the list.
- Be funny. Most of us are funny in a “giggle with your sister at boring family functions when you’re meant to be being quiet” way. But the hard thing to master is the brand of humor that is suave and confident. Effortless and spry. Your comments should be deadpan and assured. It will show your prospective partner that you are impressive and, frankly, a catch. Make him see the best sides of you and he will know for sure that someone else will pursue you if he doesn’t. It’s all supply and demand, baby.
- Be yourself. Much as I recommend that you enhance your best features already, you should also make sure that you be yourself. That can only get you so far. Make sure you show them the real you. Well, the parts you’re proud of, anyway. From the second date onwards, you can filter the rest into your relationship. For now, in terms of getting a guy to chase you, create an authentic picture of who you are. Show him all the ways that you’re unique and that there’s no one like you on the market. He’ll have no choice but to chase you.
- Give him space. Don’t overwhelm the man. If there’s one thing that will ensure he doesn’t chase you, it’s if he doesn’t think he needs to. If you come on too strong and scare him away, he will either lose interest or simply think you’ll be there waiting for him whatever he does.
- Be unavailable. He will take you for granted. Never let him do that. Keep him on his feet. There are many ways to achieve this. I’m not saying you should literally turn him down every single time he wants to make plans — that’s not only counterproductive but it also makes you look like a total a-hole.
- Ghost him. I know the ethics of this are grey, but the central point is if you have a reason to ghost someone, just do it. Prioritize yourself above all other people. If you can’t learn to do that before being in a relationship, then you never will while in one. Ghosting can be hard to be on the receiving end of, but the reality is it’s a very helpful tool. When work is busy and you’re too tired to beat around the bush, it’s an easy way to tell him to come to you without burning any bridges. I would only recommend doing this if he’s been treating you like crap and you’ve had enough. Generally speaking, this is terrible behavior and again, not something you want to be known for doing.
- Go out. Don’t be shy about it on social media either. You might as well have a good time and look good doing it. What better way to get him to notice you without any extra effort on your part. Stop chasing him and let him come to you. You have a life to live. If he wants to be part of it, he’ll have to put in some effort.
- Be vocal on social media. Be shameless. Honestly, you will generate a great following without feeling like you’re changing your lifestyle. Make him jealous through any means necessary.
Have a fun time, and stick to what feels right for you. After that, have free reign over how you want to make him chase you. You might even find that you’re ready for a relationship by then.