I’d Rather Be Called “Crazy” Than Be Treated Like Crap

I’d Rather Be Called “Crazy” Than Be Treated Like Crap

I’ve been called “crazy” by guys more times than I can count and I’m at the point where I quite literally care about it. Maybe I am crazy. Maybe I do overreact sometimes, but it doesn’t come out of nowhere — it’s always provoked. If you treat me like crap or say something that is disrespectful towards me, you better believe I’m going to pipe up about it. If that makes me crazy, fine. I’d rather be crazy than treated like crap.

  1. There’s a reason behind my crazy. If you took the time to actually listen to why I’m upset and what it feels like to be in my shoes, you might learn something. There’s a clear reason I was pushed to fits of temporary anger but instead of recognizing this, men just blanket the whole thing with the crazy card just to cover up and avoid the truth. I don’t think so.
  2. I refuse to sit in silence when I’m mistreated. I’ll be damned if I sit back quietly and submissively while someone walks all over me and treats me with zero respect. If you act like a d-bag towards me, you’ll definitely hear about it. I’m not going to cover up my emotions or save face just to appease a man who clearly isn’t behaving as such.
  3. Crazy doesn’t come out of nowhere. There’s a reason why women are driven to points of insanity, and it’s usually because the root problem is blatantly and rudely ignored. If you sweep the tough parts under the rug, don’t be surprised if the pot boils over and I spit hot water all over your face. I don’t actually enjoy being angry, but I’m only human and I’d rather be angry than to let my damaged feelings fester as if they’re no big deal. I’m entitled to feel how I feel and you should be grown up enough to have a conversation with me about it instead of driving me to an unstable mindset by avoiding the issue.
  4. Start owning up to your crap. Apologies really aren’t that difficult and neither is having a mature and grown up conversation about what’s bothering me in the first place. Why is this so hard for guys to comprehend? If you talk about the  problem with me like an adult, you’ll avoid seeing my true crazy side completely. Shockingly simple solution, I know.
  5. I make my happiness my business. Calling you out on your crap shows that I won’t stand to be treated like dirt and I deserve happiness just as much as you do. If you act like a jerk and brush me off like I’m a psycho, don’t be surprised if you get dismissed from my life entirely. Not only would I rather act crazy than be treated like crap, but I’d also rather be alone than to date another player.
  6. I’m not ashamed of speaking my mind. You might try to throw shame at me for acting irrationally, but like I said, it doesn’t come out of nowhere. If you can’t handle the heat, you shouldn’t be serving it up to begin with. I will always speak up when I’m being wronged in my life – I’m not a pushover and never will be.
  7. You more than likely deserved it. If you think you can act like a twit and get away with it, you’re completely delusional. Life doesn’t work that way and if you call me crazy when I have every right to be upset, it makes you an immature little boy with a lot to learn about women.
  8. I don’t care what people think. I really don’t give a crap what people think or say about me. Everyone is different and experiences their emotions differently. Some women can keep quiet when their feelings are hurt, but most of us know better than to put up with nonsense. If you do something shady or say something that’s hurtful, I’ll speak up — and I have every right to. I’m not ashamed to act crazy if it means standing my ground against being walked all over. I’ll choose crazy every time.