I’m Changing The Way I Think About My Health Goals & It’s Totally Freeing

I’ve struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. It seems like I’ve always had the thought of losing weight at the back of my mind, whether I was actively trying to lose it or thinking about how badly I needed to. However, I’ve decided to take a new approach and it’s working out great.

  1. I used to set a numeric weight loss goal. At the start of every new year, I would sit down and make a resolution to lose a certain amount of weight. For about the last seven years, I’ve set my goal at 50 pounds. How many years did I actually lose the weight? None.
  2. I tried really hard one year and it made no diference. In 2013, I was gung-ho about losing weight. I documented it in a blog. I went to the gym five times a week. I watched what I ate. Even so, I fluctuated between 10 pounds all year, not really losing anything. That was frustrating, to say the least.
  3. I was obsessed with numbers until I realized they didn’t matter. I’ve gotten so caught up in the numbers on the scale. It seems like it really weighs me down (no pun intended). I always check in week after week to find my weight just not changing. It’s so discouraging!
  4. This year is different. Instead of setting a weight loss goal this year, I’ve decided to completely change my perspective on how I approach my health goals. Honestly, weight is pretty subjective and not always indicative of a healthy lifestyle so I’m not thinking about weight that way anymore.
  5. I’m on a mission to be active. Ever since I started working from home in 2017, I haven’t been nearly as active as I should be. I haven’t been going to the gym like I should (despite getting a membership last year) and it’s not good for my body. I need to be better. This year, my goal is to be more active. Simple but effective.
  6. Dieting sucks so I’m refusing to do it. Much like weight loss goals, I find dieting to be daunting. To be honest, I love food. I don’t think it’s healthy to deprive yourself of things you enjoy. I know it’s better for your health, but I would rather eat bread, drink wine, and be a little heavier. I don’t think a sober, carb-less me would be a very positive person.
  7. I’m being more conscious of how and what I eat. Instead of eliminating my favorite foods from my diet, I’m learning to eat in moderation. I’m adding more fruits and vegetables to my diet. I’m drinking more water. I’ve switched from soda to seltzer. I’m effectively just being more conscious about what I put in my body.
  8. I’m keeping my health goals in mind. After I gave birth to my son, I struggled with high blood pressure. I had to stay in the hospital longer after giving birth and needed to visit my doctor weekly in the six weeks after giving birth until I got it down. My doctor told me that this would likely happen the next time I got pregnant as well and what would help would be to lose weight and be more active. That’s my motivation. I’m not planning to get pregnant for a while, so I have time to get my health in order.
  9. My focus has shifted. In the past, I always wanted to lose weight so I could look thinner and look like the people I thought were attractive. It was all about what I looked like. Now I’m focusing on how my body feels. I’m working on myself on the inside, which will ultimately reflect on the outside.
  10. I’ve been freed from the weight nightmare. Transitioning my focus has felt incredibly freeing. I don’t feel shackled by my desire to lose weight. I don’t feel discouraged stepping onto the scale, which I don’t do because that’s not indicative of my progress. I’m simply doing the work and listening to my body. I’m paying attention to how my body feels after each workout and determining how to improve each time.
  11. I hold the power now. My health journey is my own now. I’m not trying to compare myself to others. I’m doing it all for myself, for my body. It feels incredible and for once, I think I will actually be successful in becoming a healthier version of me.