I’m single AF, but that doesn’t mean I’ve given up on love — I’ve just gotten smarter about it. I no longer wear my heart on my sleeve and I’m not willing to give up everything for a guy. I want to be wowed by love, and so far I just haven’t been.
- I forgive but I never forget. That’s how I learn from my mistakes. I’m not holding on to anger and resentment. I don’t want revenge, but I’ll never forget the way guys have hurt me in the past. If I forget those hard-earned lessons then I’m doomed to repeat my mistakes and all I’ll ever be is heartbroken.
- I want a relationship but I won’t settle for an unhealthy one. I’d rather be single than go through that crap. I don’t deserve to be treated like I’m nothing just so I don’t have to be alone. So many people make it seem like it’s a terrible thing to be single, like there must be something wrong with me. The single life isn’t so bad — in fact, sometimes it’s pretty great. No matter what, it’s always better than being with Mr. Wrong.
- You might be a great guy, but not every guy is. I won’t assume you’re all jerks if you don’t assume you’re all saints. I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt, but that doesn’t mean I’m turning off my BS radar. If there’s any indication that your interest in me isn’t genuine or that you have ulterior motives then I won’t be afraid to kick you to the curb.
- I have to fight for what I deserve. No one is just going to hand it to me. If I allow guys to treat me like crap then they will. I deserve to be more than just some guy’s afterthought. I deserve real love and I’m going to fight for it. If I settled, I’d just be letting myself down, and I’m so much better than that.
- I’m not giving up, but finding love isn’t my top priority. There has to be more to life than my relationship status. I want to find love and I’m definitely still looking, but at this point in my life, finding love isn’t everything. I have other things going on — a career, family and friends who have always been by my side. I might not have a boyfriend, but I do have a life, and it’s worth something.
- I’ve been played too many times before. So it’s time for this poor fool to start wising up. I’m done falling for a man’s charm and trusting in his pretty blue eyes. I want more substance than that. I don’t need you to come up with some sappy remark about how beautiful I am. Any guy can notice my looks, but it takes a special guy to find beauty in a girl’s personality.
- Love is never easy. I’m not naive. I know that to stay in love and make a relationship work it takes commitment every single day. I know you can’t slack off, but all I want is a partner who thinks the same. I’ll put in an effort, but I won’t do all the work. Relationships are a two-way street, so if you can’t meet me halfway, we have a problem. I know love isn’t easy, but it shouldn’t be that hard.
- When it comes to love, you have to look out for yourself. I know pretty damn well that no one else is looking out for me. I can try to blame it on bad luck. I can wish on every shooting star, birthday candle and 11:11, but none of that will change anything. The fact is when it comes to love and dating, I have to keep fighting for myself because that’s the only way I’ll ever make it through. I’m not bitter, but I’ve definitely learned from love (and heartbreak).