I’m Obsessed With Getting Engaged To My Boyfriend And It’s Taking Over My Life

I’ve been with my boyfriend for three years now and things are going well. We’re just as in love as we were during the honeymoon period, which, given the horror stories I hear from my friends and read about online, seems pretty miraculous. However, there’s only one small problem: he hasn’t given any hints that he wants to propose to me and I’m desperate to get married even though I know there’s no real hurry. I’m so obsessed with getting engaged to my boyfriend that it’s kinda taking over my entire life and I don’t know how to stop.

  1. My Pinterest wedding board is overflowing. I literally started a Pinterest account just so I could make a wedding board. In fact, I have several different boards — one for dresses, one for engagement rings, one for wedding bands, one for decorations for the ceremony, one for bachelorette ideas… you get the picture. Getting engaged means having to plan so many different things and to be honest, I feel like I’m ahead of the game here. When it happens, I’ll be prepared.
  2. I’m literally subscribed to three different bridal magazines. I may not be my boyfriend’s fiancee yet, but that doesn’t mean we’re not ever getting engaged. I subscribe to a few different bridal magazines for the same reason I have my Pinterest wedding boards: I like being prepared. I also like to look through all the dresses and other people’s wedding stories because they help me fantasize more about my own. I know it’s lame, and I definitely don’t let my boyfriend know I have these subscriptions, but I literally look forward to the days when the new issues arrive.
  3. I stop at the window of every jewelry store I pass. And I’m looking at engagement rings, if that’s not clear. I don’t necessarily want some huge diamond ring that’s so heavy it falls off my finger — that’s a little bit cliche and kind of meaningless. The only message that sends is that your partner has money. I like more unique jewelry and I hope when we do end up getting engaged, my boyfriend knows me well enough to pick out something different and meaningful.
  4. I’m always talking to my friends about my ideal wedding. A couple of my friends are married or in relationships, but I have quite a few single friends as well. Sadly, their relationship status hasn’t stopped me talking about weddings and how much I’m looking forward to getting engaged with all of them. Yes, I’m aware it’s obnoxious and that I need to stop, but I can’t seem to help myself. Whenever the topic of my boyfriend comes up, my head automatically jumps to weddings.
  5. I’ve inquired about prices for various wedding venues. I mean, I want to know what costs are going to go into the whole thing when it happens. What’s wrong with that? I know calling for prices is kinda psychotic — I definitely felt like I needed to be institutionalized temporarily when I went to that extent — but I figured there was no harm in asking. When I do end up getting engaged, I’ll know what kind of financial commitment we’re in for.
  6. I’m always dropping (subtle) hints to my boyfriend. I’ve never come out and started nagging him about when he’s going to propose to me (yet). However, I do occasionally drop subtle hints, like turning on Say Yes to the Dress reruns purposely when we’re sitting on the couch or making comments about how “one day” I’d like my wedding to be a certain way. He’s never been weird about it and I do think he wants to marry me, he’s just not there yet.
  7. I’ve legitimately considered breaking up with him if he doesn’t propose soon. I’m so obsessed with getting engaged that I’ve actually thought about whether or not we should end things if he’s not ready to ask me to marry him soon. I’m not getting any younger and I feel like I’ve been very patient, but I do want to move things forward and lock our relationship down. I know things happen when they’re meant to, but I want to get married. Is that such a bad thing?
Bolde has been a source of dating and relationship advice for single women around the world since 2014. We combine scientific data, experiential wisdom, and personal anecdotes to provide help and encouragement to those frustrated by the journey to find love. Follow us on Instagram @bolde_media or on Facebook @BoldeMedia