I’m Sorry You Had A Crappy Ex-Girlfriend, But Don’t Take It Out On Me

I’m Sorry You Had A Crappy Ex-Girlfriend, But Don’t Take It Out On Me ©iStock/MaxFrost

Your ex-girlfriend may have been terrible, but I don’t deserve to be punished for it. You can blame our demise on whatever you want, but you need to hear the truth. I’m not her and I shouldn’t be paying for her mistakes. I’m truly sorry you had a crappy relationship before me, but it’s not my fault and I won’t let you take it out on me.

  1. I’m not the one who broke you. I know she broke you in ways you won’t explain to me. I know your ending was bitter and you’ve got a sore spot in your heart, but you need to understand, I’m not her and not everything will play out the same way. If you let me, I could have shown you the light, but you only wanted to relive your misery and took me along for the ride.
  2. I’m not the one who lied. I’m not the one who wasn’t honest with you or the one who betrayed your trust, but you still never believed a word I said because of how she let you down. It’s such a shame, because I was always completely honest with you, but you were too busy living in your past to see what was right in front of you.
  3. I’m not the one who trashed your property. I’m not the one who disrespected your possessions or lacked the basic human respect I think you deserved. Not every woman is going to hurt you that way, but you never gave me the chance to prove you wrong and now the only thing destroyed is me.
  4. I’m the one who tried to fix what you couldn’t. You weren’t completely healed, but I understood anyway, because we’ve all been there before. I only wanted to show you that things could be different and that you had a right to be treated fairly, but you never gave me the same courtesy. Instead, I’m left to clean up the pieces of me you left behind.
  5. It wasn’t my responsibility, but I tried anyway. It wasn’t my job to correct what she did, but I tried anyway. I tried to treat you with all the kindness and courtesy that she failed to give you, but you only saw my actions as a ploy to distract you from what you assumed I was hiding, which was nothing at all.
  6. I wish you could see me with a fresh eyes. I wish we had met at a different time in life — a time when you were unbroken, or at least healed from the heavy heart you seem to carry. I wish you had looked at me for who I truly am, instead of the reflection of what she did to you. I was the woman who cared for you, even when you didn’t care about yourself.
  7. I’m sorry she hurt you. No one deserves to live with the burden of pain inflicted on them from another, and even though it’s not my place, I‘m truly sorry that she let you down. I’m sorry she left you with trust issues and I’m sorry she imprinted on you so deeply that you’re having a problem moving forward without the lingering traces of her warpath. But mostly, I’m sorry she ruined what could have been good between us.
  8. I deserve better. Things between us may not have worked out, and although it was my decision to leave, you really gave me no choice. I tried my best, but I won’t stick around to keep paying for her mistakes. You deserve to be free of her completely, and I hope you get that chance. But this is where I walk away, because as much as you deserve better, so do I.