Wouldn’t it be nice to have a boyfriend who completely and totally gets you? All I’ve ever wanted is a guy who understands and appreciates what I’m all about. I haven’t found him yet, but I’m keeping my eyes peeled.
- I won’t be afraid of being judged. He won’t judge me for the strange things I do and say because he’ll get that I’m just weird and quirky and he’ll love that about me. I know it’s basically impossible to find a guy like this, but isn’t it every woman’s dream to have a partner who she can be her craziest, zaniest self around?
- We’ll agree on the big picture. Ideally, we’ll be on the same page when it comes to the big issues in life. Sure, opposites attract in many ways, but we’ll have enough in common that we’ll consider ourselves pretty similar creatures. An occasional debate will be totally welcome, but on the whole, we’ll have the same goals and ideas in life.
- We’ll share the same values. If the two of us were to make a list of our values, we’d have the same top five. I tend to value idealistic things like connection, love, happiness, kindness, and forgiveness. The guy who gets me will value the same things and we’ll live our lives and our relationship accordingly, in total harmony.
- If something’s wrong, he’ll know before I even say it. He’ll know if something’s not sitting well with me, if I’m in a bad mood, or if something terrible has happened before I even have the chance to tell him. We’ll just have this connection that transcends talking. It’ll be a deep, intense connection that I’ve never experienced with anyone else.
- I’ll never have to explain myself. He’ll never question my decisions or my feelings because he’ll know that I’m thoughtful and intelligent and come to my own conclusions for my own reasons. That’s not to say that I won’t be accountable to him and our relationship in some ways, but in general, he’ll stand behind me 100%. Even if he doesn’t agree with where I’m coming from, he’ll at least understand it.
- We’ll only fight over things that actually matter. I can’t even tell you the number of times I’ve fought with a past boyfriend over a silly misunderstanding. With the guy who truly gets me, we won’t waste time fighting about silly stuff that doesn’t matter. We’ll have our fair share of arguments, I’m sure, but we’ll be able to see past the petty stuff and spend our time fighting for things that actually matter.
- Love will finally feel easy. I hear from random girls all the time about how easy their relationship seems to be and always think, “Damn, what are they doing differently?” I guess they’re just with the right people. When I find my own right person, things will naturally be easier. That’s not to say that all relationships don’t take work because I know they do, but I won’t constantly feel like I’m trying to keep our relationship going—most of it will just come naturally.
- We’ll want to move things along at the same pace. What I really want is someone who won’t surprise me and tell me that they’re polyamorous or have no desire to get married or something out of nowhere. With this guy, I’ll know that we’re always moving the relationship forward because we’ll both be playing for keeps. Why waste time with anything less?
- We’ll complement each other but we’ll still be our own unique people. I don’t want to be with a male version of myself. Sometimes I see couples who are literally the exact same person and that’s so boring to me. I’m not looking for someone who will like all the same stuff as me or be a carbon copy of myself, I just want someone who will take me as I am and love me like mad. I don’t think that’s too much to ask for.